

但它不适用于每个属性类型。 不意味着意味着
MemberExpression ,但情况并非如此。

I have a expression to point on a property of my type.But it does not work for every property type. "Does not mean" meansit result in different expression types. I thought it will ever result in aMemberExpression but this is not the case.

code> int 和 Guid 它会导致 UnaryExpression string

For int and Guid it results in a UnaryExpression and for stringin a MemberExpression.



public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }


Person p = new Person { Age = 16, Name = "John" };

Expression<Func<Person, object>> expression1 = x => x.Age;
// expression1.Body = UnaryExpression;

Expression<Func<Person, object>> expression2 = x => x.Name;
// expression2.Body = MemberExpression;




How can i compare two expressions and check if they are meanthe same type and same property ?

感谢使用者带给我的用户 dasblinkenlight 在正确的轨道上。

Thanks to user dasblinkenlight who brought me on the right track.


private static MemberExpression GetMemberExpression<T>(
    Expression<Func<T,object>> exp
) {
    var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
    var unary = expr.Body as UnaryExpression;
    return member ?? (unary != null ? unary.Operand as MemberExpression : null);

我写了以下扩展方法来比较 GetMemberExpression
方法,并检查 GetMemberExpression()。Member.Name 是否相同。

I wrote the following extension method to compare the results of the GetMemberExpressionmethods and check if GetMemberExpression().Member.Name are the same.

private static bool IsSameMember<T>(this Expression<Func<T, object>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, object>> expr2)
    var result1 = GetMemberExpression(expr1);
    var result2 = GetMemberExpression(expr2);

    if (result1 == null || result2 == null)
       return false;

    return result1.Member.Name == result2.Member.Name;


年龄是一种类型。为了强制将一个值类型转换为 Func< Person,object> ,编译器需要插入一个,a 。

The reason this happens is that Age is a value type. In order to coerce an expression returning a value type into Func<Person,object> the compiler needs to insert a Convert(expr, typeof(object)), a UnaryExpression.

对于 string s和其他引用类型,然而,不需要框,因此返回直成员表达式。

For strings and other reference types, however, there is no need to box, so a "straight" member expression is returned.

如果您想要访问 UnaryExpression 中的 MemberExpression 您可以获得其操作数:

If you would like to get to the MemberExpression inside the UnaryExpression, you can get its operand:

private static MemberExpression GetMemberExpression<T>(
    Expression<Func<T,object>> exp
) {
    var member = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
    var unary = exp.Body as UnaryExpression;
    return member ?? (unary != null ? unary.Operand as MemberExpression : null);


05-22 12:11