


I make program Client-Server by VB6 with winsock.
I want send packet to server without connect by winpcap and Client-Server is connected.
I build packet from winpcap same packet from Client vb6 but server vb6 cannot receive packet from winpcap


#include <pcap.h>
int main()
    pcap_if_t      * allAdapters;
    pcap_if_t       * adapter;
    pcap_t       * adapterHandle;
    u_char         packet[ 58 ];
    char             errorBuffer[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ];

    // retrieve the adapters from the computer
    if( pcap_findalldevs_ex( PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, NULL,
                &allAdapters, errorBuffer ) == -1 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex function: %s\n",
                 errorBuffer );
        return -1;

    // if there are no adapters, print an error
    if( allAdapters == NULL )
    printf( "\nNo adapters found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\n" );
        return 0;

    // print the list of adapters along with basic information about an adapter
    int crtAdapter = 0;
    for( adapter = allAdapters; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->next)
    printf( "\n%d.%s ", ++crtAdapter, adapter->name );
    printf( "-- %s\n", adapter->description );

    printf( "\n" );

    int adapterNumber;

    printf( "Enter the adapter number between 1 and %d:", crtAdapter );
    scanf( "%d", &adapterNumber );

    if( adapterNumber < 1 || adapterNumber > crtAdapter )
        printf( "\nAdapter number out of range.\n" );

        // Free the adapter list
        pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );

        return -1;

    // parse the list until we reach the desired adapter
    adapter = allAdapters;
    for( crtAdapter = 0; crtAdapter < adapterNumber - 1; crtAdapter++ )
        adapter = adapter->next;

    // open the adapter
    adapterHandle = pcap_open( adapter->name, // name of the adapter
                               65536,         // portion of the packet to capture
                                              // 65536 guarantees that the whole 
                                              // packet will be captured
                               PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, // promiscuous mode
                               1000,             // read timeout - 1 millisecond
                               NULL,          // authentication on the remote machine
                               errorBuffer    // error buffer

    if( adapterHandle == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to open the adapter\n", adapter->name );

        // Free the adapter list
        pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );

        return -1;

    // free the adapter list
    pcap_freealldevs( allAdapters );

    // this is the most important part of the application
    // here we send the packet

    // first we create the packet

    // set mac destination address to 01 : 01 : 01 : 01 : 01 : 01
    packet[0] = 0x00;
    packet[1] = 0x23;
    packet[2] = 0x5a;
    packet[3] = 0x99;
    packet[4] = 0x4f;
    packet[5] = 0xe2;

    // set mac source address to 02 : 02 : 02 : 02 : 02 : 02
    packet[6]  = 0x00;
    packet[7]  = 0x13;
    packet[8]  = 0x8f;
    packet[9]  = 0x83;
    packet[10] = 0xa9;
    packet[11] = 0xb3;

    // set the rest of the packet

    packet[12]  = 0x08;
    packet[13]  = 0x00;

    packet[14]  = 0x45;
    packet[15]  = 0x00;
    packet[16]  = 0x00;
    packet[17]  = 0x2c;

    packet[18]  = 0x00;
    packet[19]  = 0xfb;

    packet[20]  = 0x40;
    packet[21]  = 0x00;
    packet[22]  = 0x40;
    packet[23]  = 0x06;

    packet[24]  = 0xb6;
    packet[25]  = 0x7d;

    packet[26]  = 0xc0;
    packet[27]  = 0xa8;
    packet[28]  = 0x01;
    packet[29]  = 0x01;
    packet[30]  = 0xc0;
    packet[31]  = 0xa8;
    packet[32]  = 0x01;
    packet[33]  = 0x02;

    packet[34]  = 0x04;
    packet[35]  = 0x15;
    packet[36]  = 0x00;
    packet[37]  = 0xa6;

    packet[38]  = 0x4d;
    packet[39]  = 0x62;
    packet[40]  = 0xfe;
    packet[41]  = 0x09;

    packet[42]  = 0x17;
    packet[43]  = 0x46;
    packet[44]  = 0x60;
    packet[45]  = 0x5c;

    packet[46]  = 0x50;
    packet[47]  = 0x18;
    packet[48]  = 0xff;
    packet[49]  = 0xff;
    packet[50]  = 0x7d;
    packet[51]  = 0x15;
    packet[52]  = 0x00;
    packet[53]  = 0x00;

    packet[54]  = 0x74;
    packet[55]  = 0x65;
    packet[56]  = 0x73;
    packet[57]  = 0x74;

    // send the packet
    if( pcap_sendpacket( adapterHandle, // the adapter handle
             packet, // the packet
             58 // the length of the packet
               ) != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr,"\nError sending the packet: \n", pcap_geterr( adapterHandle ) );
        return -1;

    system( "PAUSE" );
    return 0;



06-09 04:26