本文介绍了C ++在编译时创建BSTR /在编译时将长度插入字符串?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Is it possible using macro magic or TMP to insert the length into a string at compile time?


const wchar_t* myString = L"Hello";

我希望缓冲区实际包含[length] [string constant]。

I would want the buffer to actually contain "[length] [string constant]".

我使用MSVC 2010缺少constexpr。我想,必须有一些技巧,使这项工作,它可能做:

I'm using MSVC 2010 which lacks constexpr. I figured there must be some trick to make this work as its possible to do:

const wchar_t* myString = L"\x005Hello";


template<int Size>
wchar_t* toBstr(const wchar_t* str)
    #pragma pack(push)
    #pragma pack(1)
    struct BStr
       int len;
       wchar_t data[Size];
    #pragma pack(pop)

  static BStr ret;
  ret.len = Size;

  // don't want to have to copy here, how else could this work??
  //ret.data = str;

  return ret.data;

 const wchar_t* m = toBstr<_countof(L"Hello")>(L"Hello");


a href =http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4693819/c-template-string-concatenation> C ++范本字串连结

C++ template string concatenation

但不是concat for两个字符串常量,而是从第二个长度生成的常数:)

But not concat for two string constants, rather a constant generated from the length of the 2nd :)



#define DECLARE_BSTR(Variable, String)\
struct                                \
{                                     \
    uint32_t uLength;                 \
    OLECHAR szData[sizeof(String)];   \
}                                     \
Variable = {sizeof(String) - sizeof(OLECHAR), String};


ITaskFolder *pTaskFolder;
DECLARE_BSTR(static bstrTaskFolderName, L"\\");
if (SUCCEEDED(pTaskService->GetFolder(bstrTaskFolderName.szData, &pTaskFolder)))

可以用来代替 BSTR 的变体,即没有 .szData

Variant which can be used in place of a BSTR, i.e. without .szData:

#define DECLARE_BSTR(Variable, String)               \
struct                                               \
{                                                    \
    uint32_t uLength;                                \
    OLECHAR szData[sizeof(String)];                  \
    operator const OLECHAR *() const {return szData;}\
    operator       OLECHAR *()       {return szData;}\
}                                                    \
Variable = {sizeof(String) - sizeof(OLECHAR), String};


ITaskFolder *pTaskFolder;
DECLARE_BSTR(static bstrTaskFolderName, L"\\");
if (SUCCEEDED(pTaskService->GetFolder(bstrTaskFolderName, &pTaskFolder)))

这篇关于C ++在编译时创建BSTR /在编译时将长度插入字符串?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-22 11:09