我正在尝试使用Visual Studio Express 2010编写一个openGL程序,因此它是一个win32控制台应用程序.而且我无法让Intellisense出现在任何东西上,无论是openGL还是其他方式.
I'm trying to use Visual Studio Express 2010 to write an openGL program, so It's a win32 console application. And I can't get Intellisense to show up for anything, openGL or otherwise.
我在做什么错,如何强制Intellisense显示? (就像您可以用Esc强制使用Xcode一样)
What am I doing wrong, and how can I force Intellisense to show? (Like you can force the Xcode equivalent with Esc)
从MSDN:IntelliSense在某些情况下可能会停止工作.使用以下步骤来帮助确定为什么IntelliSense无法用于C ++项目.
From MSDN:IntelliSense can stop working under certain conditions. Use the following steps to help determine why IntelliSense does not work for C++ projects.
调查C ++项目中的IntelliSense故障确保Visual C ++项目中没有编译错误.
To investigate IntelliSense failure in C++ projectsMake sure that the Visual C++ project contains no compilation errors.
1) If the project is a Makefile project, see How to: Enable IntelliSense for Makefile Projects.
2)确保stdafx.h在包含路径上.有关Visual C ++项目中包含路径的更多信息,请参见#include指令(C/C ++)和/I(其他包含目录).
2) Make sure that stdafx.h is on the include path. For more information about include paths in Visual C++ projects, see #include Directive (C/C++) and /I (Additional Include Directories).
Also :*General, All Languages, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box
Provides information about how to turn off IntelliSense.
NB.IntelliSense的限制在以下情况下,IntelliSense无法在C ++项目中工作:(下面还有更多内容)
NB.IntelliSense LimitationsIntelliSense does not work in C++ projects under the following circumstances: ( there more then this one below )
IntelliSense is not fully supported when you reference a header file multiple times by using the #include directive, and the meaning of that header file changes because of various macro states that are defined through the #define directive. In other words, when you include a header file several times and the header usage changes under different macro states, IntelliSense does not always work.
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