

从Xcode 7开始,第三方框架应支持。我们也可以通过在构建设置中将ENABLE_BITCODE设置为NO来禁用BITCODE。但是我不想关闭它,而是想将我所有的框架都转换为BITCODE兼容。

From Xcode 7 it became one of the common problem that third party frameworks should support Bitcode. We can also disable the BITCODE by setting ENABLE_BITCODE to NO in Build settings. But i do not want to turn it off, instead i want to convert all my frameworks to BITCODE compatible.


So how to check if a framework is BITCODE compatible apart from compiling the framework in Xcode. Sometimes Xcode give error for BITCODE compatibility for one framework leaving the others even though they don't have BITCODE support.


Is there any tool/command line check?


来自讨论中,用户和建议使用命令行工具 otool grep 检查是否存在位码部分。

From this Apple Developers Forum discussion, user dshirley and bwilson suggest using command line tools otool and grep to check if bitcode sections exist.

$ otool -l libName.o | grep __LLVM

$ otool -l MyFramework.framework/Versions/A/MyFramework | grep __LLVM

运行以上命令,如果库中包含位码,您将看到 segname __LLVM 输出。

Running the above command, if the library contains bitcode you will see segname __LLVM output.


09-10 21:23