

在所有 @INC 目录中进行递归操作时,将为您提供"Perl知道的"模块,找到包含这些模块的 all 的最干净方法是什么是在(Linux)系统上构建的?

While recursing through all of the @INC directories will give you the modules that "Perl knows about", what's the cleanest way to find all of the modules that have been built on a (Linux) system?


这是Perl常见问题解答,即如何查找系统上安装了哪些模块?,您可以找到以下答案:通过 perldoc -q已安装 perldoc perlfaq3 来查询此问题,然后搜索已安装".

This is a Perl FAQ, i.e. How do I find which modules are installed on my system?, you can find the answer for this question by perldoc -q installed or perldoc perlfaq3 and then search for 'installed'.


Here is a summary of the answer in 'perlfaq3.pod' to this question and some notes about the answer itself according to my test of it:

  1. 在命令行上使用 cpan :

cpan -l

注意:您可能需要安装额外的软件包才能使用此命令,例如,您需要在Fedora 19中安装"perl-CPAN".

Note: You may need to install extra package to use this command, for example, you need to install 'perl-CPAN' in Fedora 19.

在Perl脚本中使用 ExtUtils :: Installed :

use ExtUtils::Installed in a Perl script:

use ExtUtils::Installed;

my $inst    = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
my @modules = $inst->modules();


Note: this may not be able to list all the modules installed by your package management system.

使用 File :: Find :: Rule 查找所有模块文件:

use File::Find::Rule to find all the module files:

use File::Find::Rule;

my @files = File::Find::Rule->
        extras({follow => 1})->
        name( '*.pm' )->
        in( @INC )


Note: this is not a standard module, you may need to install it first.

使用 File :: Find 查找所有模块文件:

use File::Find to find all the module files:

use File::Find;
my @files;

        wanted => sub {
            push @files, $File::Find::fullname
                if -f $File::Find::fullname && /\.pm$/
        follow => 1,
        follow_skip => 2,

print join "\n", @files;

  • 如果您知道模块名称,并且只想检查系统中是否存在模块名称,则可以使用以下命令:

  • if you know the module name and just want to check whether it exists in your system, you can use the following commands:

    perldoc Module::Name

    perl -MModule::Name -e1

  • 以下链接也可能有帮助:

    The following links may also be helpful:


    08-18 20:47