I'm looking for a drop in solution for caching large-ish amounts of data.
related questions but for different languages:
- Python Disk-Based Dictionary
- Disk-backed STL container classes?
- Looking for a simple standalone persistant dictionary implementation in C#
I don't need (or want to pay anything for) persistence, transactions, thread safety or the like and want something that is not much more complex to use than a List<> or Dictionary<>.
If I have to write code, I'll just save everything off as files in the temp directory:
string Get(int i)
在我的情况下指数将是一个 INT
In my cases in index will be an int
(and they should be consecutive or close enough) and the data will be a string
so I can get away with treating both a POD and would rather go ultra-light and do exactly that.
The usage is that I have a sequence of 3k files (as in file #1 to #3000) totaling 650MB and need to do a diff for each step in the sequence. I expect that to total about the same or a little more and I don't want to keep all that in memory (larger cases may come along where I just can't).
A number of people have suggested different solutions for my problem. However none seem to be targeted at my little niche. The reasons that I'm looking at disk backed caching is because I'm expecting that my current use will use up 1/3 to 1/2 of my available address space. I'm worried that larger cases will just flat run out of space. I'm not worried about treading, persistence or replication. What I'm looking for is a minimal solution using a minimum of code, a minimal usage foot print, minimal in memory overhead and minimum complexity.
I'm starting to think I'm being overly optimistic.
What you really want is a B-Tree.That's the primary data structure that a database uses.It's designed to enable you to efficiently swap portions of a data structure to and from disk as needed.
I don't know of any widely used, high quality standalone B-Tree implementations for C#.
但是,一个简单的方法,以得,一将使用SQL Compact数据库。在SQL紧凑型发动机将在进程内运行,所以你并不需要一个单独的服务运行。它会给你一个B-tree,但没有所有的头痛。你可以使用SQL来访问数据。
However, an easy way to get one would be to use a Sql Compact database. The Sql Compact engine will run in-process, so you don't need a seperate service running. It will give you a b-tree, but without all the headaches. You can just use SQL to access the data.