本文介绍了CLion不会从剪贴板粘贴正确的代码段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 在我的编程 carreer中大部分时间都使用Java和PHP的同时,我现在尝试更深入地学习C ++。为此,我使用CLion作为我的IDE-主要是因为我对phpStorm和IntelliJ IDEA非常熟悉,并且除了学习新语言之外,我不想学习新的IDE。while having used Java and PHP most of the time in my programming "carreer", I am now trying to learn C++ more in-depth. For that, I am using CLion as my IDE - mostly because I am very familiar with phpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA and I don't want to "learn" a new IDE in addition to learning a new language.现在,我遇到了问题,即当按 + 时,CLion不会获取我当前的剪贴板内容。该代码段是从浏览器(Firefox 41.0.1)复制而来的,它既不适用于 + 复制的代码,也不适用于右键单击然后选择复制。Now, I have hit the problem, that CLion does not take my current Clipboard content when pressing + . The snippet was copied from the Browser (Firefox 41.0.1) and it neither works with code copied by + nor with code copied by rightclicking and then selecting Copy.似乎IDE在从外部获取剪贴板内容方面存在问题,因为在内部复制和粘贴时IDE,它工作正常。仅当尝试从另一个程序粘贴某些内容时,它才会忽略它并粘贴我之前在IDE中复制的内容。It seems like the IDE has problems with getting the Clipboard content from the outside, because when copying and pasting inside the IDE, it works perfectly fine. Only when trying to paste something from another program, it ignores it and pastes something that I copied inside the IDE before.您是否有解决此问题的线索?是错误还是我在设置或其他地方弄乱了某些东西?Do you have any clues on how to fix that? Is it a bug or did I mess up something in my settings or somewhere else?推荐答案清除历史记录中的粘贴( Ctrl + + )为我工作。Clearing "Paste from History" ( + + ) worked for me. 这篇关于CLion不会从剪贴板粘贴正确的代码段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-04 00:09