


I need to encrypt a file, send it to another person, who then can only decrypt it using shell.

我通常使用 openssl 命令: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in [filename] -out [file out name] -pass file:[direct path to key文件] ,然后发送文件。

I usually encrypt the file with the openssl command: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in [filename] -out [file out name] -pass file:[direct path to key file], then send the file.

然后,另一个人将使用 openssl 命令: openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in [加密文件] -out [文件输出名] -pass文件:[到密钥文件的直接路径]

The other person then would decrypt the file again with the openssl command: openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in [encrypted file] -out [file out name] -pass file:[direct path to key file]

我会使用 os.system 来做到这一点,

I would use os.system to do this, but I feel like there has to be another way to encrypt the file with python which then could be decrypted on the shell side.


您需要使用 openssl

我使用命令行GnuPG,有非常好的Python库:。它是一个命令行 gpg 的包装,所以它们的工作原理是一样的。

I use command line GnuPG and there is very nice Python library: python-gnupg . It is a wrapper over command line gpg so they work simply the same.


Instead of key file (I think it contains password) you can use asymmetric cryptography. Create private/public pairs of keys for each part and then encrypt message using recipient public key and sigg it using sender private key. Recipient will check signature of sender using sender public key and recipient will decrypt message using her private key. Private keys can be protected by password but if you are sure your environments are safe you can use empty passwords.


09-05 10:37