本文介绍了AWS Lambda-NAT网关互联网访问导致超时的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个AWS Lambda函数,该函数:

  • 检查Redis Elasticache实例
  • 如果在缓存中找不到该项目,请转到Google Places API服务.



因此,在专用子网的Route Table中,我也添加了NAT gateway.但是,从Lambda函数调用Google Places API服务时,注定总是会导致超时.





  1. 已将完全VPC权限分配给您的lambda函数的IAM角色.
  2. 具有公共和私有子网的VPC
  3. 在创建NAT网关时a)子网必须是公共子网b)弹性IP创造一个新的或分配一个
  4. 创建路由表,并添加另一个带有目标的路由作为我们在上面创建的NAT网关.而且您的lambda现在应该很开心

I have a AWS Lambda function which:

  • checks a Redis Elasticache instance,
  • if the item is not found in the cache, goes to Google Places API service.

The Redis instance is in a private subnet; so, to fetch it, I added the VPC and the subnet in which the instance resides. I also specified the security group which allows all the outbound traffic. The Network ACL is the default one which is supposed to all the inbound and the outbound traffic.

When adding VPC to Lambda function like that via the console, it prompts:

So, in the Route Table of the private subnet, I added a NAT gateway too. However, at the point where the Google Places API service call is made from the Lambda function it is always doomed to result in timeout.

In short, I doubt that the NAT gateway properly allows internet access of the Lambda function. How can I check what goes wrong with it?

Do NAT Gateways log the calls or the call attempts being tried through it somehow in CloudWatch etc.?


The following steps are required

  1. An IAM role with full VPC permission assigned to your lambda function.
  2. VPC with public and private subnet
  3. while creating a NAT Gatewaya)the subnet has to be public subnetb)Elastic IP creat a new one or allocate one
  4. Create the route table and add another route with target as our NAT gateway we created above.And your lambda should be happy now

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08-24 14:57