


I've been using code like this for inheriting from another object:

// define base object constructor
function SuperType(){
    // constructor code

// define base object methods on the prototype
SuperType.prototype.foo = function() {};

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// define object that wants to inherit from the SuperType object
function SubType() {
    // call base object constructor with all arguments that might have been passed
    SuperType.apply(this, arguments); 
    // other constructor code

// set prototype for this object to point to base object
// so we inherit any items set on the base object's prototype
SubType.prototype = new SuperType();
// reset constructor to point to this object not to SuperType
SubType.prototype.constructor = SubType;

// define any methods of this object by adding them to the prototype
SubType.prototype.myMethod = function() {};

我的问题是为什么你必须设置 SubType.constructor = SubType ?何时是 .constructor 属性实际使用?如果你创建一个 SubType 对象:

My question is why do you have to set the SubType.constructor = SubType? When is the .constructor property actually used? If you create a SubType object like this:

var s = new SubType();

这将调用 SubType()构造函数,不管 SubType.prototype.constructor 实际设置为什么,所以我试图理解 .constructor 属性是否实际使用?

That's going to call the SubType() constructor regardless of what SubType.prototype.constructor is actually set to, so I'm trying to understand when the .constructor property is ever actually used?

正如你可以在与 .constructor 注释掉,正确的构造函数仍然被调用。因此,在 new 运算符的正常构造中,不会使用 .constructor 属性。我想知道什么时候使用它?

As you can see in this jsFiddle demo with the assignment to .constructor commented out, the proper constructor is still called. So, it appears that the .constructor property is not used in normal construction with the new operator. I'm wondering when it is used?



换句话说,只是一个指向Object的实际,本地构造函数的指针 - 通过新的Object()调用的那个。因此,你可以覆盖它而不改变任何关于新的Object()如何工作。

In other words, it's just a pointer to the Object's actual, native constructor-- The one that is called via new Object(). Thus, you can override it without changing anything about how new Object() works.


So why does it exist? Because constructor functions are effectively classes in JavaScript, it lets you do certain things with class instances without needing to their class name. To borrow from Axel Rauschmayer's blog, the constructor property allows:

  • 比较类之间的比较,ieaconstructor === b.constructor

  • 从现有实例创建一个新实例,即new a.constructor()

  • 调用另一个(超级)类的构造函数


All without any hardcoded references to class names. Again, it's not really meant to be overridden. To echo the above comments, I've never really seen someone override it in the wild.


10-15 02:39