

我试图在编译时推导出两个模板参数中较大的一个.两个模板参数都是 size_t 类型.

I'm trying to deduce the greater of two template arguments at compile time. Both template arguments are of type size_t.

我有一个模板化类型 SomeType,它采用 size_t 作为模板参数.然后我有一个函数,它采用两个具有不同模板 size_t 的 SomeType 参数,我希望返回类型是 SomeType,其模板化 size_t 是两个输入 size_t 大小中较大的一个.

I have a templated type, SomeType, which takes a size_t as it's template argument. I then have a function that takes two SomeType parameters with different template size_t's and i want the return type to be a SomeType with its templated size_t to be the greater of the two input size_t sizes.

template <size_t d> struct SomeType {...}

template<size_t d1, size_t d2>
SomeType<the_larger_of_d1_and_d2> Func(SomeType<d1> A, SomeType<d2> B)




You can compute the type directly, no need for SFINAE:

template<size_t d1, size_t d2>
SomeType<(d1 > d2 ? d1 : d2)> Func(SomeType<d1> A, SomeType<d2> B)


09-03 06:04