


有一个Scalaz地图镜头的例子:丹伯顿称它为$ code> containsKey ,它的灵感来自爱德华·凯特的话。在Scalaz 7中还有一些名为 mapVPLens 的东西,这对于修改地图中的值是有用的。

There's an example of a Scalaz map lens here: Dan Burton calls it containsKey, and it's inspired by the Edward Kmett talk. There is also something called mapVPLens in Scalaz 7 which is useful for modifying values in a map.

我的问题是:如果我有一个镜头修改类型 V ,以及一个映射[K,V] 的镜头,我可以组合他们吗?我一直在寻找一个很好的简单例子,但在Scalaz还没有一些例子。

My question is: if I have a lens for modifying type V, and a lens for a Map[K,V], how can I compose them? I've been searching for a while for a good simple example, but there's still a dearth of examples in Scalaz.

我对Scalaz 6和Scalaz 7解决方案感兴趣。

I'm interested in both Scalaz 6 and Scalaz 7 solutions.



If the lens you're trying to compose with the map lens is a partial lens, you can just use compose:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._, PLens._

def headFoo[A] = listHeadPLens[A] compose mapVPLens("foo")


scala> headFoo.get(Map("foo" -> List(42)))
res0: Option[Int] = Some(42)

scala> headFoo.get(Map("foo" -> Nil))
res1: Option[Nothing] = None

scala> headFoo.get(Map("bar" -> List(13)))
res2: Option[Int] = None

请注意,这是Scalaz 7。

Note that this is Scalaz 7.


If the lens you want to compose isn't partial, you can make it so with ~:

scala> def firstFoo[A, B] = ~Lens.firstLens[A, B] compose mapVPLens("foo")
firstFoo: [A, B]=> scalaz.PLensFamily[Map[String,(A, B)],Map[String,(A, B)],A,A]

scala> firstFoo.get(Map("foo" -> (42, 'a)))
res6: Option[Int] = Some(42)

如果您不喜欢一元运算符,还有一个 .partial 方法。

There's also a .partial method if you don't like the unary operator.



09-09 02:14