


I know this question has been asked and answered lots of times but I still don't really understand why putting constraints on a data type is a bad thing.

例如,让我们使用 Data.Map k a .所有涉及 Map 的有用函数都需要 Ord k 约束.因此,对 Data.Map 的定义存在隐式约束.为什么最好让它保持隐式,而不是让编译器和程序员知道 Data.Map 需要一个可排序的键.

For example, let's take Data.Map k a. All of the useful functions involving a Map need an Ord k constraint. So there is an implicit constraint on the definition of Data.Map. Why is it better to keep it implicit instead of letting the compiler and programmers know that Data.Map needs an orderable key.


Also, specifying a final type in a type declaration is something common, and one can see it as a way of "super" constraining a data type.


data User = User { name :: String }



and that's acceptable. However is that not a constrained version of

data User' s = User' { name :: s }

在我为 User 类型编写的全部功能中,有99%不需要 String ,少数几个可能只需要s IsString Show .

After all 99% of the functions I'll write for the User type don't need a String and the few which will would probably only need s to be IsString and Show.

那么,为什么 User 的宽松版本被认为是不好的:

So, why is the lax version of User considered bad:

data (IsString s, Show s, ...) => User'' { name :: s }

同时认为 User User'都很好?


I'm asking this, because lots of the time, I feel I'm unnecessarily narrowing my data (or even function) definitions, just to not have to propagate constraints.

据我了解,数据类型约束仅适用于构造函数,不会传播.所以我的问题是,为什么数据类型约束不能按预期工作(并传播)?无论如何,这是一个扩展,所以如果社区认为有用,为什么没有一个新的扩展来正确地处理 data ?

As far as I understand, data type constraints only apply to the constructor and don't propagate. So my question is then, why do data type constraints not work as expected (and propagate)? It's an extension anyway, so why not have a new extension doing data properly, if it was considered useful by the community?


地图太旧了,因此无论如何都无法更改为GADT.如果要查看带有GADT的 User 实现


Let's use a case study of a Bag where all we care about is how many times something is in it. (Like an unordered sequence. We nearly always need an Eq constraint to do anything useful with it.


I'll use the inefficient list implementation so as not to muddy the waters over the Data.Map issue.


The easy way to do what you're after is to use a GADT:

以下说明 Eq 约束如何不仅迫使您在制作GADTBags时将类型与Eq实例一起使用,而且还会在 GADTBag 构造函数出现的任何位置隐式地提供该实例.这就是为什么 count 不需要 Eq 上下文,而 countV2 则需要-它不使用构造函数的原因:

Notice below how the Eq constraint not only forces you to use types with an Eq instance when making GADTBags, it provides that instance implicitly wherever the GADTBag constructor appears. That's why count doesn't need an Eq context, whereas countV2 does - it doesn't use the constructor:


data GADTBag a where
   GADTBag :: Eq a => [a] -> GADTBag a
unGADTBag (GADTBag xs) = xs

instance Show a => Show (GADTBag a) where
  showsPrec i (GADTBag xs) = showParen (i>9) (("GADTBag " ++ show xs) ++)

count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int -- no Eq here
count a (GADTBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs  -- but == here

countV2 a = length.filter (==a).unGADTBag

size :: GADTBag a -> Int
size (GADTBag xs) = length xs
ghci> count 'l' (GADTBag "Hello")
ghci> :t countV2
countV2 :: Eq a => a -> GADTBag a -> Int

现在,当我们找到袋子的总大小时,我们不再需要Eq约束,但是无论如何它并没有弄乱我们的定义.(我们也可以使用 size = length.unGADTBag .)

Now we didn't need the Eq constraint when we found the total size of the bag, but it didn't clutter up our definition anyway. (We could have used size = length . unGADTBag just as well.)


Now lets make a functor:

instance Functor GADTBag where
  fmap f (GADTBag xs) = GADTBag (map f xs)


    Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of `GADTBag'
    from the context (Eq a)

这是无法解决的(对于标准Functor类),因为我不能限制 fmap 的类型,但是需要新列表.

That's unfixable (with the standard Functor class) because I can't restrict the type of fmap, but need to for the new list.


Can we do as you asked? Well, yes, except that you have to keep repeating the Eq constraint wherever you use the constructor:

{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}

data Eq a => EqBag a = EqBag {unEqBag :: [a]}
  deriving Show

count' a (EqBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs
size' (EqBag xs) = length xs   -- Note: doesn't use (==) at all


Let's go to ghci to find out some less pretty things:

ghci> :so DataConstraints
DataConstraints_so.lhs:1:19: Warning:
    -XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely considered a misfeature,
    and has been removed from the Haskell language.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( DataConstraints_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> :t count
count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t count'
count' :: Eq a => a -> EqBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size
size :: GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size'
size' :: Eq a => EqBag a -> Int

因此,我们的EqBag count'函数需要一个Eq约束,我认为这是完全合理的,但是我们的size'函数也需要一个Eq约束,它不太漂亮.这是因为 EqBag 构造函数的类型是 EqBag :: Eq a =>.[a]->EqBag a ,并且每次都必须添加此约束.

So our EqBag count' function requires an Eq constraint, which I think is perfectly reasonable, but our size' function also requires one, which is less pretty. This is because the type of the EqBag constructor is EqBag :: Eq a => [a] -> EqBag a, and this constraint must be added every time.


We can't make a functor here either:

instance Functor EqBag where
   fmap f (EqBag xs) = EqBag (map f xs)


for exactly the same reason as with the GADTBag

data ListBag a = ListBag {unListBag :: [a]}
  deriving Show
count'' a = length . filter (==a) . unListBag
size'' = length . unListBag

instance Functor ListBag where
   fmap f (ListBag xs) = ListBag (map f xs)


Now the types of count'' and show'' are exactly as we expect, and we can use standard constructor classes like Functor:

ghci> :t count''
count'' :: Eq a => a -> ListBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size''
size'' :: ListBag a -> Int
ghci> fmap (Data.Char.ord) (ListBag "hello")
ListBag {unListBag = [104,101,108,108,111]}



Comparison and conclusions

The GADTs version automagically propogates the Eq constraint everywhere the constructor is used. The type checker can rely on there being an Eq instance, because you can't use the constructor for a non-Eq type.


The DatatypeContexts version forces the programmer to manually propogate the Eq constraint, which is fine by me if you want it, but is deprecated because it doesn't give you anything more than the GADT one does and was seen by many as pointless and annoying.


The unconstrained version is good because it doesn't prevent you from making Functor, Monad etc instances. The constraints are written exactly when they're needed, no more or less. Data.Map uses the unconstrained version partly because unconstrained is generally seen as most flexible, but also partly because it predates GADTs by some margin, and there needs to be a compelling reason to potentially break existing code.


I think that's a great example of a one-purpose data type that benefits from a constraint on the type, and I'd advise you to use a GADT to implement it.

(也就是说,有时我只有一种数据类型,最终因为我喜欢使用Functor(和Applicative)而使其不受限制地成为多态的,所以宁愿使用 fmap 而不是 mapBag ,因为我觉得它更清楚.)

(That said, sometimes I have a one-purpose data type and end up making it unconstrainedly polymorphic just because I love to use Functor (and Applicative), and would rather use fmap than mapBag because I feel it's clearer.)

import Data.String

data User s where
   User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s

name :: User s -> s
name (User s) = s

instance Show (User s) where  -- cool, no Show context
  showsPrec i (User s) = showParen (i>9) (("User " ++ show s) ++)

instance (IsString s, Show s) => IsString (User s) where
  fromString = User . fromString

请注意,由于 fromString 确实构造了类型为 User a 的值,因此我们需要显式的上下文.毕竟,我们由构造函数 User ::(IsString s,Show s)=>组成.s->用户. User 构造函数在我们进行模式匹配(销毁)时消除了对显式上下文的需要,因为在将其用作构造函数时,它已经强制执行了约束.

Notice since fromString does construct a value of type User a, we need the context explicitly. After all, we composed with the constructor User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s. The User constructor removes the need for an explicit context when we pattern match (destruct), becuase it already enforced the constraint when we used it as a constructor.

在Show实例中不需要Show上下文,因为我们在模式匹配中在左侧使用了(User s).

We didn't need the Show context in the Show instance because we used (User s) on the left hand side in a pattern match.


09-04 20:56