


I have problem with my union type, which looks like this:

type RepeatForm = {
        | {
              repeat: false;
        | {
              repeat: true;
              from: undefined;
        | {
              repeat: true;
              from: string;
              by?: string;


And I have following function where I want to get value of by if it's there:

export const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || form.step.from === undefined) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;

我收到此错误:Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; } | { repeat: true; from: string; by?: string | undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; }'.

I get this error: Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; } | { repeat: true; from: string; by?: string | undefined; }'. Property 'by' does not exist on type '{ repeat: true; from: undefined; }'.


Which is super confusing for me, because TypeScript know that form.step.from is different from undefined and he even interpolates type of variable x to string.


What's the reason of this issue? How can I access by property then?


原始 PR string文字类型这一事实非常明确(对于已出现的情况,可以选择添加对booleannumber文字类型的支持).因此,似乎不支持您根据字段类型(stringundefined)进行区分的用例.例如,这不起作用:

The original PR for discriminated unions is very specific about the fact that the discriminating field must be a string literal type (with the option to add support for boolean and number literal types which seems to have happened). So your use case where you are discriminating based on the type of the field (string vs undefined) does not appear to be supported. This does not work for example:

let u!: { v: number, n: number } | { v: string, s: string}
if(typeof u.v === 'number') {
    u.n // not accesible, type not narrowed


We could use conditional types and a custom type guard to make things work:

function isUndefined<T, K extends keyof T>(value : T, field: K) : value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : undefined }> {
    return !!value[field]

export const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || isUndefined(form.step, 'from')) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;


We can also create a general version of this function that allows narrowing by any type:

type ExtractKeysOfType<T, TValue> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends TValue ? P : never}[keyof T]

function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, string>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'string'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : string }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, number>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'number'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : number }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, boolean>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'boolean'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : boolean }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, Function>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'function'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : Function }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, symbol>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'symbol'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : symbol }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, object>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'object'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : object }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends ExtractKeysOfType<T, undefined>>(value : T, field: K, type: 'undefined'): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : undefined }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends keyof T, TValue extends T[K]>(value : T, field: K, type: new (...args:any[])=> TValue): value is Extract<T, { [P in K] : TValue }>
function fieldOfType<T, K extends keyof T>(value : T, field: K, type: string| Function) :boolean {
    if(typeof type === 'string') {
        return typeof value[field] === type;
    } else {
        return value[field] instanceof type

const getByField = (form: RepeatForm) => {
    if (form.step.repeat === false || fieldOfType(form.step, 'from', 'undefined')) {
        return null;
    const x = form.step.from;
    return form.step.by;

let u: { v: number, n: number } | { v: string, s: string}={ v: 0, n : 10};
if(fieldOfType(u, 'v', 'number')) {

class A {private a: undefined;}
class B {private b: undefined;}
let uc: { v: A, n: number } | { v: B, s: string} = Math.random() > 0.5 ? { v: new B(), s: '10' } : { v: new A(), n: 10 };
if(fieldOfType(uc, 'v', A)) {
