本文介绍了C ++ 11是否允许非匿名联合包含静态数据成员?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在C ++ 11中,我声明以下联合:

In C++11 I declare the following union:

union U4 {
    char c;
    int i;
    static int si;

当我使用-std = c ++ 11 -pedantic-errors在g ++ 4.7.0中编译此代码时,出现以下错误(仅进行了少量编辑):

When I compile this code with g++ 4.7.0 using -std=c++11 -pedantic-errors, I get the following errors (with minor editing):

据我所知,FDIS(N3242)并未明确 allow 命名联合的静态数据成员.但是我也看不到FDIS在哪里不允许 命名联合的静态数据成员.FDIS重复提到了非静态数据成员"可以完成的工作[第9.5节第1节].相比之下,这表明该标准允许联合的静态数据成员.

The FDIS (N3242) does not explicitly allow static data members of named unions, as far as I can see. But I also don't see where the FDIS disallows static data members of named unions either The FDIS does repeatedly refer to what can be done with "non-static data members" [section 9.5 paragraph 1]. By contrast, that suggests the standard permits static data members of unions.


I don't have any use in mind for a static data member of a union. If I needed it I could probably get a close enough effect with a class containing an anonymous union. I'm just trying to understand the intent of the standard.



是的,这是允许的.该标准的第9节在类,结构和联合中使用 class 一词,除非另有明确说明.对静态工会成员的唯一限制是本地工会(9.4.2/5)和匿名工会(9.5/5).

Yes this is allowed. Section 9 of the Standard uses the word class for classes, structs and unions, unless it explicitly mentions so otherwise. The only restrictions on static union members are for local unions (9.4.2/5) and for anonymous unions (9.5/5).

#include <iostream>

union Test
    static int s;

int Test::s;

int main()
   Test::s = 1;
   std::cout << Test::s;

LiveWorkSpace 上的输出.请注意,它可以在Clang 3.2上编译,但不能在gcc 4.8.0或Intel 13.0.1上编译.看来这是gcc/Intel错误.

Output on LiveWorkSpace. Note that it compiles on Clang 3.2 but not on gcc 4.8.0 or Intel 13.0.1. It appears this is a gcc/Intel bug.

这篇关于C ++ 11是否允许非匿名联合包含静态数据成员?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 21:06