


I recently switched from should.js to chai.js, as I discovered the former was causing snags in browser-based testing. The change didn't require any changes to my test suite, as the syntax is supported, but I see that the output of failing tests no longer shows me the actual and expected values in a useful way:

AssertionError: expected [ Array(9) ] to deeply equal [ Array(9) ]


I can get it to spit out a representation of these values by adding this line:

chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;


However this results in every value being exhaustively output, including functions, and including prototype properties. Also pretty useless.


So is there some way I am missing to have chai behave like should.js, where actual/expected values are shown using their toString() method?


使用 .toString获取Chai(v1.10.0)以显示实际值和期望值的一种方法()是在运行时修补其 utils.objDisplay

One way to get Chai (v1.10.0) to show actual and expected values using .toString() is to patch its utils.objDisplay at runtime.


chai.use(function(_chai,utils) {
  utils.objDisplay = function(obj) { return obj+''; };

但是,由于Chai实例化重复项的方式,因此在实践中要稍微复杂一些(即: !== )模块内部引用;在这种情况下,还必须修补 utils.getMessage

However, it's slightly-more complicated to do in practice because of the way Chai instantiates duplicate (ie: !==) module references internally; in this case making it necessary to patch utils.getMessage also.

这里是用来演示整个补丁的小提琴以及 Array 对象的自定义格式的简单示例:

Here is a fiddle to demonstrate the overall patch along with a trivial example of custom formatting for Array objects: https://jsfiddle.net/humbletim/oc1tnqpy/


10-09 23:55