

我希望在自己的Youtube Chrome扩展程序中使用Youtube播放器API.

I'm looking to use the Youtube player API in my Youtube Chrome extension.
My goal is to be able to control the player's controls on Youtube website from my content script using the pageAction's popup.


It goes like this -
Clicking on a "play" button in the popup sends a message to the content script, the content script receives the message and use the player API event "playVideo()" to play the video.


Because of the content script and the page itself are isolated from each other then I can't simply get the player's object from the page, and from what I understand I can't use messages to send an object over from the page to the content script.

现在我可以通过使用HTML5视频事件来绕过所有这些麻烦,但是不幸的是,由于Flash仍在使用中,因此无法在实时流上正常工作,因此我别无选择,只能加载和使用播放器API ,我正确吗?

Now I could bypass all this trouble by using the HTML5 video events, but unfortunately this won't work on live streams since flash is still in use there, so I kind of have no other choice but loading and using the player API, am I correct?
Is there a way to control the player using URL parameters on Youtube site itself?
(I really prefer everything than loading an additional script and external one)

我看到有必要在manifest文件中声明一个content_security_policy,但是我不了解其语法以及如何将其写下来,所以我想举一个例子,以及它需要的其他内容. .

Where it comes to code I would like to get help setting the permissions needed to be able to load the external script please.
I saw that there is a need to declare a content_security_policy in the manifest file, but I do not understand the syntax and how to write it down, so I would like to have an example and whatever else is needed for it please.


In my content script I'm using the next code taken from the YT player API documentation to inject the script:

var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    console.log('--- The YT player API is ready from content script! ---');



Since the content script cant access the page javascript objects, inject a script in the page (the official docs explain how). That injected script has access to the objects and can then use messaging or writting on the dom to communicate with the content or popup.


09-05 11:37