![Control Control]()
这是为谁写的? 如果你不能查询数据库并写出一些html字符串 你有什么可以吗? " viewstate" - 哦,是的,我真的需要帮助 - 不是! C#很棒 ..NET框架摇滚 ASP.NET发生了什么? 它可能真的很好 反而是一个糟糕的笑话强加于 美国专业人士的dumbo muppets .NET Framework类库 HtmlImage MembersSee还 HtmlImage类| System.Web.UI.HtmlControls命名空间| Web命名空间 Visual Studio中的用于C ++编程的托管扩展 HtmlImage概述 公共构造函数 HtmlImage构造函数初始化HtmlImage的新实例 class。 公共属性 Align获取或设置图像相对于其他Web的对齐页面元素。 Alt获取或设置浏览器显示的替代标题,如果 图像不可用或当前正在下载但尚未完成。 属性(继承自HtmlControl)获取 .aspx文件中服务器控件标记上表示的所有 属性名称和值对的集合。 Border获取或设置图像框架的宽度。 ClientID(从Control继承)获取ASP.NET生成的服务器控件标识符 。 Controls(从Control继承)获取一个ControlCollection对象, 代表一个speci的子控件用户界面中的虚拟服务器控件 层次结构。 禁用(继承自HtmlControl)获取或设置一个值,表示 HTML服务器控件是否为已禁用。 EnableViewState(从Control继承)获取或设置一个值 ,指示服务器控件是否持续其视图状态,以及 视图它包含的任何子控件的状态,请求客户端。 Height获取或设置图像的高度。 ID(从Control继承)获取或设置分配给服务器控件的程序标识符 。 NamingContainer(继承自Control)获取对服务器的引用 control'' s命名容器,它为 创建一个唯一的命名空间,区分具有相同Control.ID 属性值的服务器控件。 Page(继承来自Control)获取对包含服务器控件的Page实例 的引用ol。 Parent(从Control继承)获取对服务器的引用 控件在页面控件层次结构中的父控件。 站点(从Control继承)获取有关服务器控件所属的网站的信息 。 Src获取或设置要显示的图像文件的来源。 /> Style(继承自HtmlControl)获取应用于指定HTML服务器控件的所有级联 样式表(CSS)属性的集合 in。 aspx文件。 TagName(继承自HtmlControl)获取标签的元素名称 包含runat = server属性和值对。 TemplateSourceDirectory(从Control继承)获取包含当前服务器的页面或UserControl的虚拟 目录 控件。 UniqueID(继承)来自Control)获取服务器控件的唯一, 分层限定标识符。 可见(从Control继承)获取或设置一个值,该值指示 服务器控件是否在页面上呈现为UI。 Width获取或设置图像的宽度。 公共方法 DataBind(从Control继承)将数据源绑定到调用的 服务器控件及其所有子控件。 Dispose(继承自Control)使服务器控件在从内存中释放之前执行最终清理。 Equals(继承自Object)已重载。确定两个 对象实例是否相等。 FindControl(从Control继承)重载。搜索指定服务器控件的当前 命名容器。 GetHashCode(继承自Object)用作 特定类型的哈希函数,适用于哈希算法和数据 结构,如哈希表。 GetType(继承自Object)获取当前实例的Type。 HasControls(继承自Control)确定服务器控件 是否包含任何子控件。 RenderControl(从Control继承)输出服务器控件内容 到提供的HtmlTextWriter对象,如果启用了跟踪,则存储关于控件的跟踪信息 ResolveUrl(从Control继承)将URL转换为 可在请求客户端上使用。 ToString(继承自Object)返回表示 当前对象的String。 公共事件 DataBinding(继承自Contr ol)当服务器控件 绑定到数据源时发生。 Disposed(从Control继承)当服务器控件发布时发生发布来自内存,这是服务器控件的最后一个阶段 请求ASP.NET页面时的生命周期。 Init(从Control继承)当服务器控件是 已初始化,这是其生命周期的第一步。 加载(继承自Control)在加载服务器控件时发生 into Page对象。 PreRender(继承自Control)当服务器控件即将渲染到其包含的Page对象时发生。 卸载(从Control继承)当服务器控件从内存中卸载时发生。 受保护的属性 ChildControlsCreated(继承自Control )获取一个值 表示服务器控件的子控件是否已经 creat ed。 Context(从Control继承)获取与当前Web请求的服务器控件关联的HttpContext对象 。 事件(继承来自Control)获取控件的事件处理程序委托列表 。此属性是只读的。 HasChildViewState(从Control继承)获取一个值,指示 当前服务器控件的子控件是否已保存 视图状态设置。 IsTrackingViewState(从Control继承)获取一个值 表示服务器控件是否正在保存对其视图的更改 state。 ViewState(继承自Control)获取状态字典 信息,允许您保存和恢复视图状态 跨同一页面的多个请求的服务器控制。 ViewStateIgnoresCase(从Control继承)获取一个值 指示StateBag对象是否不区分大小写。 受保护的方法 AddedControl(继承自Control)在控件添加后调用 到另一个控件的Controls集合。 AddParsedSubObject(从Control继承)通知服务器控件 解析了一个元素(XML或HTML),并将元素 添加到服务器控件的ControlCollection对象。 ClearChildViewState(继承自Control)删除所有服务器控件的子控件的视图状态 信息。 CreateChildControls(继承自Control)通知服务器控件 使用基于组合的实现来创建任何子控件 它们包含以准备回发或渲染。 CreateControlCollection(继承自Control )创建一个新的 ControlCollection对象来保存服务器控件的子控件(文字和 服务器)。 EnsureChildControls(继承自Control)确定 服务器控件是否包含子控件。如果没有,它会创建 子控件。 Finalize(继承自Object)重写。允许对象 尝试释放资源并执行其他清理操作 垃圾回收对象回收。 在C#和C ++中,终结符用析构函数语法表示。 IsLiteralContent(继承自Control)确定服务器 控件是否只保存文字内容。 LoadViewState(从Control继承)从SaveViewState 方法保存的上一页请求中恢复视图状态信息 。 MapPathSecure(从Control继承)检索物理路径 a虚拟路径,无论是绝对路径还是相对路径,映射到。 MemberwiseClone(继承自Object)创建一个浅层副本 当前对象。 OnBubbleEvent(继承自Control)确定服务器控件的事件是否传递给页面的UI服务器控制层次结构。 OnDataBindi ng(从Control继承)引发DataBinding事件。 OnInit(继承自Control)引发Init事件。 OnLoad(继承自Control)引发Load事件。 OnPreRender(继承自Control)引发PreRender事件。 OnUnload(继承自Control)引发Unload事件。 注意服务器控件应该执行任何最终清理,例如关闭文件,关闭数据库连接和丢弃对象, 在服务器控制生命周期的这个阶段。 RaiseBubbleEvent(从Control继承)将 事件的任何来源及其信息分配给控件的父级。 RemovedControl(从Control继承)在控件之后调用 从另一个控件的Controls集合中删除。 Render(从Control继承)将服务器控件内容发送到 提供的HtmlTextWriter对象,将内容写为ren dered 在客户端。 RenderChildren(从Control继承)输出服务器的内容 控制'的孩子到提供的HtmlTextWriter对象,写入要在客户端上呈现的内容。 SaveViewState(从Control继承)保存任何服务器控件 view-state自页面返回服务器后发生的更改。 TrackViewState(从Control继承)导致视图状态跟踪 更改为服务器控件,以便它们可以存储在服务器中 control'的StateBag对象。这个对象可以通过 Control.ViewState属性访问。 参见 HtmlImage类| System.Web.UI.HtmlControls命名空间| Web命名空间 Visual Studio中的用于C ++编程的托管扩展 基于.NET Framework 1.1版的语法。 文档版本1.1.0。 ------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 发表有关此主题的评论。 ? 2001-2002微软公司。保留所有权利。 ASP.NET makes it easy to write WYSIWYG applications, and makes it easy tohandle control events. If that is not the model you are using, that using the IDE and writing yourapplication may be more difficult then just the WYSIWYG stuff. But, it won''tbe any more difficult then it was in the past, since you can just do theexact kind of thing! ASP.NET''s power is in its object oriented nature, and you can do quite a lotwith that. In fact, that can make tons and tons of things easier. The VS.NET IDE is not suited for creating complex UIs. I think most peoplewill agree on this. But, considering that most of ASP, is people using Response.Write to emitHTML, databinding looks like a pretty good improvement to me. I think most people who have trouble with ASP.NET, are those who are used todoing things a different way using a different technology, and are havingtrouble shifting their thinking into using a different model for writingapplications. And hey, if you don''t like it, no one says you have to use it. Write inwhatever technology you feel is best."John Rivers" <fi*****@btinternet.com> wrote in messagenews:11**********************@g14g2000cwa.googlegr oups.com...Here is an example of what I am talking about: asp.net takes what is a very simple, powerful and flexibleconcept, http request/response with html for presentation and turns it into a ridiculously over-complicated kludgewhich causes way more problems than it solves by attemptingto turn it into a flat, "event-driven" paradigm for example: here is an html image tag <img src="Image.gif"/> it has a few extra attributes such as height, width, border now look at the asp.net documentation for the SAME element (below) it is never ending if you look in these asp.net newsgroups you will actuallysee people asking questions like "how do i set the src propertyof an HtmlImage object?" with asp.net and then long descriptions of property accessesand "watch outs" "don''t do it at the wrong time""make sure you ..." APIs are meant to be there to wrap up complex code andmake it simple to handle this is a REVERSE API it takes something as simple asan <img/> tag and turns it into something complicatedwhich wastes peoples time and energy for no benefit whatsoever. "DataBinding" - piffle - stupid declarative, inflexible rubbish"UserControls" - flat pointless, inflexible re-invention of a methodwith a codeblock (it can''t even callback to the containingpage without a big headache)"CustomControls" - great! we can create our own pointless aberrations -oh yes one render method per class only!i understand that in asp.net 2.0 microsoft has deemed us worthyof "master pages" - oh my god - i''ve been doing that alreadysince aspv1.0 its called an asp include page with codeblocks andcallbacks just who is this written for? if you can''t query a database and write out some html stringswhat can you do?"viewstate" - oh yes i really needed help with that - not! C# is fantastic..NET Framework rocks what happened to ASP.NET?it could have been really goodinstead its a bad joke foisted onus professionals by dumbo muppets.NET Framework Class Library HtmlImage MembersSee AlsoHtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespacesin Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ ProgrammingHtmlImage overview Public ConstructorsHtmlImage Constructor Initializes a new instance of the HtmlImageclass. Public PropertiesAlign Gets or sets the alignment of the image relative to other Webpage elements.Alt Gets or sets the alternative caption the browser displays if animage is unavailable or currently downloading and not yet finished.Attributes (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of allattribute name and value pairs expressed on a server control tag withinthe .aspx file.Border Gets or sets the width of a frame for an image.ClientID (inherited from Control) Gets the server control identifiergenerated by ASP.NET.Controls (inherited from Control) Gets a ControlCollection object thatrepresents the child controls for a specified server control in the UIhierarchy.Disabled (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets or sets a value indicatingwhether the HTML server control is disabled.EnableViewState (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a valueindicating whether the server control persists its view state, and theview state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client. Height Gets or sets the height of the image.ID (inherited from Control) Gets or sets the programmatic identifierassigned to the server control.NamingContainer (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the servercontrol''s naming container, which creates a unique namespace fordifferentiating between server controls with the same Control.IDproperty value.Page (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the Page instancethat contains the server control.Parent (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the servercontrol''s parent control in the page control hierarchy.Site (inherited from Control) Gets information about the Web site towhich the server control belongs.Src Gets or sets the source of the image file to display.Style (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of all cascadingstyle sheet (CSS) properties applied to a specified HTML server controlin the .aspx file.TagName (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets the element name of a tagthat contains a runat=server attribute and value pair.TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) Gets the virtualdirectory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current servercontrol.UniqueID (inherited from Control) Gets the unique,hierarchically-qualified identifier for the server control.Visible (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value that indicateswhether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.Width Gets or sets the width of the image. Public MethodsDataBind (inherited from Control) Binds a data source to the invokedserver control and all its child controls.Dispose (inherited from Control) Enables a server control to performfinal clean up before it is released from memory.Equals (inherited from Object) Overloaded. Determines whether twoObject instances are equal.FindControl (inherited from Control) Overloaded. Searches the currentnaming container for the specified server control.GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for aparticular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and datastructures like a hash table.GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.HasControls (inherited from Control) Determines if the server controlcontains any child controls.RenderControl (inherited from Control) Outputs server control contentto a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing informationabout the control if tracing is enabled.ResolveUrl (inherited from Control) Converts a URL into one that isusable on the requesting client.ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents thecurrent Object. Public EventsDataBinding (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server controlbinds to a data source.Disposed (inherited from Control) Occurs when a server control isreleased from memory, which is the last stage of the server controllifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested.Init (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isinitialized, which is the first step in the its lifecycle.Load (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is loadedinto the Page object.PreRender (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isabout to render to its containing Page object.Unload (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isunloaded from memory. Protected PropertiesChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the server control''s child controls have beencreated.Context (inherited from Control) Gets the HttpContext object associatedwith the server control for the current Web request.Events (inherited from Control) Gets a list of event handler delegatesfor the control. This property is read-only.HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value indicatingwhether the current server control''s child controls have any savedview-state settings.IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the server control is saving changes to its viewstate.ViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a dictionary of stateinformation that allows you to save and restore the view state of aserver control across multiple requests for the same page.ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive. Protected MethodsAddedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control is addedto the Controls collection of another control.AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control) Notifies the server controlthat an element, either XML or HTML, was parsed, and adds the elementto the server control''s ControlCollection object.ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control) Deletes the view-stateinformation for all the server control''s child controls.CreateChildControls (inherited from Control) Notifies server controlsthat use composition-based implementation to create any child controlsthey contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control) Creates a newControlCollection object to hold the child controls (both literal andserver) of the server control.EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control) Determines whether theserver control contains child controls. If it does not, it createschild controls.Finalize (inherited from Object) Overridden. Allows an Object toattempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations beforethe Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control) Determines if the servercontrol holds only literal content.LoadViewState (inherited from Control) Restores view-state informationfrom a previous page request that was saved by the SaveViewStatemethod.MapPathSecure (inherited from Control) Retrieves the physical path thata virtual path, either absolute or relative, maps to.MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of thecurrent Object.OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Determines whether the event forthe server control is passed up the page''s UI server control hierarchy. OnDataBinding (inherited from Control) Raises the DataBinding event.OnInit (inherited from Control) Raises the Init event.OnLoad (inherited from Control) Raises the Load event.OnPreRender (inherited from Control) Raises the PreRender event.OnUnload (inherited from Control) Raises the Unload event.Note Server controls should perform any final cleanup, such asclosing files, closing database connections, and discarding objects,during this stage of the server control lifecycle.RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Assigns any sources of theevent and its information to the control''s parent.RemovedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control isremoved from the Controls collection of another control.Render (inherited from Control) Sends server control content to aprovided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be renderedon the client.RenderChildren (inherited from Control) Outputs the content of a servercontrol''s children to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writesthe content to be rendered on the client.SaveViewState (inherited from Control) Saves any server controlview-state changes that have occurred since the time the page wasposted back to the server.TrackViewState (inherited from Control) Causes tracking of view-statechanges to the server control so they can be stored in the servercontrol''s StateBag object. This object is accessible through theControl.ViewState property. See AlsoHtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespacesin Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ ProgrammingSyntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1.Documentation version 1.1.0.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send comments on this topic. ? 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 这就是我希望对你的困境一个简化的答案 - 不要 使用ASP .NET? " John Rivers" <音响***** @ btinternet.com>在留言中写道 news:11 ********************** @ g14g2000cwa.googlegr oups.com ... 以下是我所谈论的一个例子 : asp.net采取的是一个非常简单,强大和灵活的 概念,http请求/响应与html进行演示 并将其变成一个可笑的过于复杂的kludge 导致更多问题通过尝试将b $ b变为平面,事件驱动来解决问题。范例 例如: 这里是一个html图片标签 < img src =" Image.gif" /> 它有一些额外的属性,如高度,宽度,边框 现在看看相同元素的asp.net文档(如下) 它永远不会结束 如果你看看这些asp.net新闻组你实际上将会看到人们提出的问题,例如我如何设置src属性 的HtmlImage对象?与asp.net 然后是物业访问的长描述 和watch out; 不要在错误的时间做 确保你...... API意味着在那里wrap up complex code and make it simple to handle this is a REVERSE API it takes something as simple as an <img/> tag and turns it into something complicated which wastes peoples time and energy for no benefit whatsoever. "DataBinding" - piffle - stupid declarative, inflexible rubbish "UserControls" - flat pointless, inflexible re-invention of a method with a codeblock (it can’’t even callback to the containing page without a big headache) "CustomControls" - great! we can create our own pointless aberrations - oh yes one render method per class only! i understand that in asp.net 2.0 microsoft has deemed us worthy of "master pages" - oh my god - i’’ve been doing that already since aspv1.0 its called an asp include page with codeblocks and callbacks just who is this written for? if you can’’t query a database and write out some html strings what can you do? "viewstate" - oh yes i really needed help with that - not! C# is fantastic ..NET Framework rocks what happened to ASP.NET? it could have been really good instead its a bad joke foisted on us professionals by dumbo muppets .NET Framework Class Library HtmlImage MembersSee Also HtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespaces in Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ Programming HtmlImage overview Public Constructors HtmlImage Constructor Initializes a new instance of the HtmlImage class. Public Properties Align Gets or sets the alignment of the image relative to other Web page elements. Alt Gets or sets the alternative caption the browser displays if an image is unavailable or currently downloading and not yet finished. Attributes (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of all attribute name and value pairs expressed on a server control tag within the .aspx file. Border Gets or sets the width of a frame for an image. ClientID (inherited from Control) Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET. Controls (inherited from Control) Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a speci fied server control in the UI hierarchy. Disabled (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the HTML server control is disabled. EnableViewState (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client. Height Gets or sets the height of the image. ID (inherited from Control) Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control. NamingContainer (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control’’s naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same Control.ID property value. Page (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server contr ol. Parent (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control’’s parent control in the page control hierarchy. Site (inherited from Control) Gets information about the Web site to which the server control belongs. Src Gets or sets the source of the image file to display. Style (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to a specified HTML server control in the .aspx file. TagName (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets the element name of a tag that contains a runat=server attribute and value pair. TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control. UniqueID (inherited from Control) Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the server control. Visible (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page. Width Gets or sets the width of the image. Public Methods DataBind (inherited from Control) Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls. Dispose (inherited from Control) Enables a server control to perform final clean up before it is released from memory. Equals (inherited from Object) Overloaded. Determines whether two Object instances are equal. FindControl (inherited from Control) Overloaded. Searches the current naming container for the specified server control. GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance. HasControls (inherited from Control) Determines if the server control contains any child controls. RenderControl (inherited from Control) Outputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if tracing is enabled. ResolveUrl (inherited from Control) Converts a URL into one that is usable on the requesting client. ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object. Public Events DataBinding (inherited from Contr ol) Occurs when the server control binds to a data source. Disposed (inherited from Control) Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. Init (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in the its lifecycle. Load (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. PreRender (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is about to render to its containing Page object. Unload (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. Protected Properties ChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) Gets a value that indicates whether the server control’’s child controls have been creat ed. Context (inherited from Control) Gets the HttpContext object associated with the server control for the current Web request. Events (inherited from Control) Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only. HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value indicating whether the current server control’’s child controls have any saved view-state settings. IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state. ViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page. ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) Gets a value that indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive. Protected Methods AddedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control is added to the Controls collection of another control. AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control) Notifies the server control that an element, either XML or HTML, was parsed, and adds the element to the server control’’s ControlCollection object. ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control) Deletes the view-state information for all the server control’’s child controls. CreateChildControls (inherited from Control) Notifies server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering. CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control) Creates a new ControlCollection object to hold the child controls (both literal and server) of the server control. EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control) Determines whether the server control contains child controls. If it does not, it creates child controls. Finalize (inherited from Object) Overridden. Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control) Determines if the server control holds only literal content. LoadViewState (inherited from Control) Restores view-state information from a previous page request that was saved by the SaveViewState method. MapPathSecure (inherited from Control) Retrieves the physical path that a virtual path, either absolute or relative, maps to. MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Determines whether the event for the server control is passed up the page’’s UI server control hierarchy. OnDataBindi ng (inherited from Control) Raises the DataBinding event. OnInit (inherited from Control) Raises the Init event. OnLoad (inherited from Control) Raises the Load event. OnPreRender (inherited from Control) Raises the PreRender event. OnUnload (inherited from Control) Raises the Unload event. Note Server controls should perform any final cleanup, such as closing files, closing database connections, and discarding objects, during this stage of the server control lifecycle. RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Assigns any sources of the event and its information to the control’’s parent. RemovedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control is removed from the Controls collection of another control. Render (inherited from Control) Sends server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be ren dered on the client. RenderChildren (inherited from Control) Outputs the content of a server control’’s children to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be rendered on the client. SaveViewState (inherited from Control) Saves any server control view-state changes that have occurred since the time the page was posted back to the server. TrackViewState (inherited from Control) Causes tracking of view-state changes to the server control so they can be stored in the server control’’s StateBag object. This object is accessible through the Control.ViewState property. See Also HtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespaces in Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ Programming Syntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1. Documentation version 1.1.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send comments on this topic. ? 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Here''s what I hope is an under-simplified answer to your dillemma - don''tuse ASP.NET?"John Rivers" <fi*****@btinternet.com> wrote in messagenews:11**********************@g14g2000cwa.googlegr oups.com...Here is an example of what I am talking about: asp.net takes what is a very simple, powerful and flexibleconcept, http request/response with html for presentation and turns it into a ridiculously over-complicated kludgewhich causes way more problems than it solves by attemptingto turn it into a flat, "event-driven" paradigm for example: here is an html image tag <img src="Image.gif"/> it has a few extra attributes such as height, width, border now look at the asp.net documentation for the SAME element (below) it is never ending if you look in these asp.net newsgroups you will actuallysee people asking questions like "how do i set the src propertyof an HtmlImage object?" with asp.net and then long descriptions of property accessesand "watch outs" "don''t do it at the wrong time""make sure you ..." APIs are meant to be there to wrap up complex code andmake it simple to handle this is a REVERSE API it takes something as simple asan <img/> tag and turns it into something complicatedwhich wastes peoples time and energy for no benefit whatsoever. "DataBinding" - piffle - stupid declarative, inflexible rubbish"UserControls" - flat pointless, inflexible re-invention of a methodwith a codeblock (it can''t even callback to the containingpage without a big headache)"CustomControls" - great! we can create our own pointless aberrations -oh yes one render method per class only!i understand that in asp.net 2.0 microsoft has deemed us worthyof "master pages" - oh my god - i''ve been doing that alreadysince aspv1.0 its called an asp include page with codeblocks andcallbacks just who is this written for? if you can''t query a database and write out some html stringswhat can you do?"viewstate" - oh yes i really needed help with that - not! C# is fantastic..NET Framework rocks what happened to ASP.NET?it could have been really goodinstead its a bad joke foisted onus professionals by dumbo muppets.NET Framework Class Library HtmlImage MembersSee AlsoHtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespacesin Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ ProgrammingHtmlImage overview Public ConstructorsHtmlImage Constructor Initializes a new instance of the HtmlImageclass. Public PropertiesAlign Gets or sets the alignment of the image relative to other Webpage elements.Alt Gets or sets the alternative caption the browser displays if animage is unavailable or currently downloading and not yet finished.Attributes (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of allattribute name and value pairs expressed on a server control tag withinthe .aspx file.Border Gets or sets the width of a frame for an image.ClientID (inherited from Control) Gets the server control identifiergenerated by ASP.NET.Controls (inherited from Control) Gets a ControlCollection object thatrepresents the child controls for a specified server control in the UIhierarchy.Disabled (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets or sets a value indicatingwhether the HTML server control is disabled.EnableViewState (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a valueindicating whether the server control persists its view state, and theview state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client. Height Gets or sets the height of the image.ID (inherited from Control) Gets or sets the programmatic identifierassigned to the server control.NamingContainer (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the servercontrol''s naming container, which creates a unique namespace fordifferentiating between server controls with the same Control.IDproperty value.Page (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the Page instancethat contains the server control.Parent (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the servercontrol''s parent control in the page control hierarchy.Site (inherited from Control) Gets information about the Web site towhich the server control belongs.Src Gets or sets the source of the image file to display.Style (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets a collection of all cascadingstyle sheet (CSS) properties applied to a specified HTML server controlin the .aspx file.TagName (inherited from HtmlControl) Gets the element name of a tagthat contains a runat=server attribute and value pair.TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) Gets the virtualdirectory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current servercontrol.UniqueID (inherited from Control) Gets the unique,hierarchically-qualified identifier for the server control.Visible (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value that indicateswhether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.Width Gets or sets the width of the image. Public MethodsDataBind (inherited from Control) Binds a data source to the invokedserver control and all its child controls.Dispose (inherited from Control) Enables a server control to performfinal clean up before it is released from memory.Equals (inherited from Object) Overloaded. Determines whether twoObject instances are equal.FindControl (inherited from Control) Overloaded. Searches the currentnaming container for the specified server control.GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for aparticular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and datastructures like a hash table.GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.HasControls (inherited from Control) Determines if the server controlcontains any child controls.RenderControl (inherited from Control) Outputs server control contentto a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing informationabout the control if tracing is enabled.ResolveUrl (inherited from Control) Converts a URL into one that isusable on the requesting client.ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents thecurrent Object. Public EventsDataBinding (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server controlbinds to a data source.Disposed (inherited from Control) Occurs when a server control isreleased from memory, which is the last stage of the server controllifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested.Init (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isinitialized, which is the first step in the its lifecycle.Load (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is loadedinto the Page object.PreRender (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isabout to render to its containing Page object.Unload (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control isunloaded from memory. Protected PropertiesChildControlsCreated (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the server control''s child controls have beencreated.Context (inherited from Control) Gets the HttpContext object associatedwith the server control for the current Web request.Events (inherited from Control) Gets a list of event handler delegatesfor the control. This property is read-only.HasChildViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value indicatingwhether the current server control''s child controls have any savedview-state settings.IsTrackingViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the server control is saving changes to its viewstate.ViewState (inherited from Control) Gets a dictionary of stateinformation that allows you to save and restore the view state of aserver control across multiple requests for the same page.ViewStateIgnoresCase (inherited from Control) Gets a value thatindicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive. Protected MethodsAddedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control is addedto the Controls collection of another control.AddParsedSubObject (inherited from Control) Notifies the server controlthat an element, either XML or HTML, was parsed, and adds the elementto the server control''s ControlCollection object.ClearChildViewState (inherited from Control) Deletes the view-stateinformation for all the server control''s child controls.CreateChildControls (inherited from Control) Notifies server controlsthat use composition-based implementation to create any child controlsthey contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.CreateControlCollection (inherited from Control) Creates a newControlCollection object to hold the child controls (both literal andserver) of the server control.EnsureChildControls (inherited from Control) Determines whether theserver control contains child controls. If it does not, it createschild controls.Finalize (inherited from Object) Overridden. Allows an Object toattempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations beforethe Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. IsLiteralContent (inherited from Control) Determines if the servercontrol holds only literal content.LoadViewState (inherited from Control) Restores view-state informationfrom a previous page request that was saved by the SaveViewStatemethod.MapPathSecure (inherited from Control) Retrieves the physical path thata virtual path, either absolute or relative, maps to.MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of thecurrent Object.OnBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Determines whether the event forthe server control is passed up the page''s UI server control hierarchy. OnDataBinding (inherited from Control) Raises the DataBinding event.OnInit (inherited from Control) Raises the Init event.OnLoad (inherited from Control) Raises the Load event.OnPreRender (inherited from Control) Raises the PreRender event.OnUnload (inherited from Control) Raises the Unload event.Note Server controls should perform any final cleanup, such asclosing files, closing database connections, and discarding objects,during this stage of the server control lifecycle.RaiseBubbleEvent (inherited from Control) Assigns any sources of theevent and its information to the control''s parent.RemovedControl (inherited from Control) Called after a control isremoved from the Controls collection of another control.Render (inherited from Control) Sends server control content to aprovided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be renderedon the client.RenderChildren (inherited from Control) Outputs the content of a servercontrol''s children to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writesthe content to be rendered on the client.SaveViewState (inherited from Control) Saves any server controlview-state changes that have occurred since the time the page wasposted back to the server.TrackViewState (inherited from Control) Causes tracking of view-statechanges to the server control so they can be stored in the servercontrol''s StateBag object. This object is accessible through theControl.ViewState property. See AlsoHtmlImage Class | System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace | Web Namespacesin Visual Studio | Managed Extensions for C++ ProgrammingSyntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1.Documentation version 1.1.0.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send comments on this topic. ? 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. John wrote:John wrote: Here’’s what I hope is an under-simplified answer to your dillemma - don’’t use ASP.NET? Here''s what I hope is an under-simplified answer to your dillemma - don''t use ASP.NET? And in addition to that - dont post in this news group .. :) why waste time here ? most people are visiting this group coz they have already made up their mind and using asp.net at present And in addition to that - dont post in this news group .. :) whywaste time here ? most people are visiting this group coz they havealready made up their mind and using asp.net at present 这篇关于由dumbo muppets构建的ASP.NET的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 11-01 05:23