




  git commit --amend 
git rebase --continue

如果您更改从挑选到编辑多次提交,您必须为每个提交重复该过程。最后的 git rebase --continue 会让你回到现在。

如果你在过去提交在重新绑定期间,你会发现整个提交是不好的(除了用它指向的文件的未修改内容替换一个符号链接外,没有其他任何操作),那么你可以 git rebase --skip 而不是修改和继续。如果您事先知道会发生这种情况,那么您可以删除 git rebase -i 列表中的错误提交,而不是更改它的选择到 edit 。

如果您有多个分支受到错误提交s),你将不得不重复每个分支的整个过程。检查一个分支,运行 git rebase -i 来完成(当 git rebase --continue 说成功重新发布),然后检查下一个分支并再次执行。未来,在Windows和实际操作系统之间分割开发工作时,请执行Windows与cygwin一起工作。在cygwin里面,符号链接是符号链接,你不能像你那样搞乱它们。

I had pushed a project from linux to bitbucked and then cloned it on windows. Turns out there were two symlinks, which appeared as textfiles on windows. Since I knew where they should point to, I replaced them by copies of their destination files, committed and pushed.

Now the butbucket repository looks okay when I look it it from their web interface. However a git clone on my unix machine gives me two messages like:

error: unable to create symlink ... (File name too long)

and the two files, which were symlinks previously are absent. I tried cloning into /tmp/... to get shorter filenames, but got the same results. That suggests, that something went bad with the bitbucket repository. I tried core.symlinks on and off.

I can live without the symlinks, but I'd like to have a working repository. Does anybody know a way (other than recreating the repository)?


As soon as you changed the content of a fake-symlink-file without also changing its mode from symlink to regular file and committed the result, you made a blob that can't be extracted on an OS with real symlinks, because you have an object that is supposed to be a symlink but its content is too long to be a pathname. The web interface is not doing you any favors by hiding this problem.

You're probably going to have to back up to that commit, fix it, and re-commit everything after it. git rebase -i will help, but it still might not be easy, especially if you've made more changes to the files while they were in this bogus symlink-but-not-really-a-symlink state.

Supposing that the bad commit is abcdef123, you need to do this:

git rebase -i 'abcdef123^'

which will put you in an editor with a list of commits. abcdef123 should be on the first line. On that line, change pick to edit. If there is more than one bad commit, change all of them to edit. Save and exit the editor.

Now you'll be back in the point in time where you committed the bad file. This is your chance to alter history, putting things right that once went wrong. Inspect the commit with

git show

and undo the bad part by restoring the original symlink pathname into the file and git adding it. Or you could really get rid of the symlink properly with git rm, then create a new file and git add that. If you choose the first option, be aware that the content of a symlink is just a pathname. It's not a text file - it doesn't have a newline on the end. If you edit it with a text editor that adds a newline, you'll have a broken symlink (pointing to a file with a newline in its name).

After you've done your git add, reinsert the fixed commit into its place in history:

git commit --amend
git rebase --continue

If you changed multiple commits from pick to edit you'll have to repeat that procedure for each one. The final git rebase --continue will bring you back to the present.

If you are at a past commit during the rebase and you discover that the whole commit is bad (it did nothing else besides replacing a symlink with the unmodified content of the file it points to), then you can git rebase --skip instead of amending and continuing. If you know ahead of time that this is going to happen, you can just delete the bad commit from the git rebase -i list instead of changing its pick to edit.

If you have multiple branches affected by the bad commit(s), you will have to repeat the whole procedure for each branch. Check out a branch, run the git rebase -i to completion (which is when git rebase --continue says "Successfully rebased"), then check out the next branch and do it again.

In the future, when splitting your development work between Windows and a real OS, do your Windows work with cygwin. Inside cygwin, symlinks are symlinks and you can't mess them up like you did.


08-19 10:30