I have a collection of methods that return different types:
Either[ErrorResponse, X]
Future[Either[ErrorResponse, X]]
These methods need the result from a previous method to perform their computation. The methods:
type Parameters = Map[String, String]
// allows me to flatmap on an either
implicit def toRightProjection[Failure, Success](e: Either[Failure, Success]) =
// converts anything to a future
implicit def toFuture[T](t: T) =
// retrieves the request paramters from the given request
def requestParameters(request: RequestHeader): Either[ErrorResponse, Parameters] = ???
// retrieves the response type from the given parameters
def responseType(p: Parameters): Either[ErrorResponse, String] = ???
// retrieves the client id from the given parameters
def clientId(p: Parameters): Either[ErrorResponse, String] = ???
// retrieves the client using the given client id
def client(clientId: String): Future[Either[ErrorResponse, Client]] = ???
// validates the response type of the client
def validateResponseType(client: Client, responseType: String): Option[ErrorResponse] = ???
I can the wire them together with the following for comprehension (note that I wrote down some types to clarify the contents of specific parts of the computation).
val result: Either[ErrorResponse, Future[Either[ErrorResponse, Client]]] =
for {
parameters <- requestParameters(request)
clientId <- clientId(parameters)
responseType <- responseType(parameters)
} yield {
val result: Future[Either[ErrorResponse, Either[ErrorResponse, Client]]] =
for {
errorOrClient <- client(clientId)
client <- errorOrClient
} yield validateResponseType(client, responseType).toLeft(client)
val wantedResult: Future[Either[ErrorResponse, Client]] =
result.left.map(Future successful Left(_)).merge
上面的代码很乱,我觉得这可以用不同的方式来完成.我读过关于 monad 和 monad 转换器的文章.这些概念对我来说很新,我无法理解.
The above code is quite messy and I feel this can be done differently. I read about monads and monad transformers. The concept of those is very new to me and I can not get my head around it.
大多数示例只处理两种类型的结果:Either[X, Y]
和 Future[Either[X, Y]]
Most of the examples only deal with two types of results: Either[X, Y]
and Future[Either[X, Y]]
. I still find it very hard to bend my mind around it.
Something like this would be awesome (I am not sure if that is even possible):
val result: Future[Either[ErrorResponse, Client]] =
for {
parameters <- requestParameters(request)
clientId <- clientId(parameters)
responseType <- responseType(parameters)
client <- client(clientId)
_ <- validateResponseType(client, responseType)
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
implicit val futureMonad = new Monad[Future] {
override def point[A](a: ⇒ A): Future[A] = future(a)
override def bind[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: A ⇒ Future[B]): Future[B] =
import EitherT._
val result: EitherT[Future, ErrorResponse, Client] =
for {
parameters <- fromEither(Future(requestParameters(request)))
clientId <- fromEither(Future(clientId(parameters)))
responseType <- fromEither(Future(responseType(parameters)))
client <- fromEither(client(clientId))
response <- fromEither[Future, ErrorResponse, Client](Future(validateResponseType(client, responseType).toLeft(client)))
} yield response
val x: Future[\/[ErrorResponse, Client]] = result.run