

我正在学习有关访问控制的知识.并尝试使用LSM API实现自己的挂钩函数.但是我发现我必须在内核版本 3.1.4 的内核源代码中进行编码.那么,我该如何开始?

I'm learning something about access control.And try to implement own hook function with LSM api.But I found I have to code in the kernel source in Kernel version 3.1.4.So , how can I get started?


Could someone give an example about it?Thanks a lot.


PS: I have found some examples, but in kernel version 2.6.20. As LSM have been modified, those examples cannot work.


从2.6.35开始,您无法加载LSM模块(请参阅c1e992b99603a84d7debb188542b64f2d9232c07 commit).因此,将LSM移出内核不是有效的任务.但是您始终可以尝试在运行时反汇编内核,并找到所有私有符号,例如 security_ops 指针.

You can't load an LSM module since 2.6.35 (see c1e992b99603a84d7debb188542b64f2d9232c07 commit). So, it isn't a valid task to get LSM outside the kernel. But you always can try to disassemble the kernel at run time and find all the private symbols such as security_ops pointer.

例如,看看导出的 security_sb_copy_data 符号:

For example, have a look at the exported security_sb_copy_data symbol:

int security_sb_copy_data(char *orig, char *copy)
        return security_ops->sb_copy_data(orig, copy);

它转储可能看起来像这样 (x86_64):

It dump may looks this (x86_64):

(gdb) x/7i security_sb_copy_data
   0xffffffff811f61b0:  push   %rbp
   0xffffffff811f61b1:  mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0xffffffff811f61b4:  data32 data32 data32 xchg %ax,%ax
   0xffffffff811f61b9:  mov    0x881690(%rip),%rax        # 0xffffffff81a77850
   0xffffffff811f61c0:  callq  *0x98(%rax)
   0xffffffff811f61c6:  pop    %rbp
   0xffffffff811f61c7:  retq

因此, 0xffffffff81a77850 地址是确切的 security_ops 指针.我们来检查一下:

So, the 0xffffffff81a77850 address is the exact security_ops pointer. Let's check it out with:

(gdb) x/s* 0xffffffff81a77850
0xffffffff81850fa0:  "default"

好的,现在我们有了有效的 security_ops 指针,并且可以在内核外部使用LSM进行任何操作.

OK, now we have valid security_ops pointer and can do anything with LSM outside the kernel.


P.S. There is a great Linux kernel security project - AKARI. It implements interesting methods of private symbols resolution without disassembly (see sources for details).


05-22 05:43