

问题是:通过VR模式在移动设备上通过触摸点击事件在Android Chrome 79+上无法正常工作.在VR模式下,实体上不会触发其他单词touchstart事件.Google Vr服务已安装并启用.

The problem of question is: click event via touch click on mobile from VR modenot work from android Chrome 79+.Otherwords touchstart event does not fired on entity from VR mode.Google Vr services are installed and enabled.


The goal a-entity should be clickable in Chrome latest 79+on user click (VR mode touch click from mobile)

链接到整个代码:这里2配置简单的应用程序: https://4dkly.csb.app/(配置:融合3.6秒;但是单击实体不会chrome vr的作品) https://codesandbox.io/s/aframe-example-4dkly?fontsize = 14&hidenavigation = 1& theme = white

Links to whole code:here 2 config simple app:https://4dkly.csb.app/ (config: fuse 3.6sec; but click on entity does Not work from chrome vr)https://codesandbox.io/s/aframe-example-4dkly?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=white

https://codesandbox.io/s/aframe-example-12k87?fontsize = 14&hidenavigation = 1& theme = dark 您能否看一下本示例中的任何一个,并告诉该怎么做,以使chrome最新,vr模式下触摸点击.任何新的好方法新的api都可以.

https://12k87.csb.app/ (cursor color red; fuse turned off , cursor still does not work)
https://codesandbox.io/s/aframe-example-12k87?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark Could you please take a look for any of this example, and tell what to do, to make chrome latest, vr mode touch click.Any new good approach new api is also ok.


 <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.0.1/aframe.min.js"></script>

    <a-scene main>
      <a-sphere position="0 2 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"> </a-sphere>
 <!-- ... -->

      <a-camera id="camera" camera rotation>
          position="0 0 -1"
          material="color: #111;"

//simple event on click
 document.querySelector("a-box").addEventListener("click", () => {


您所描述的行为是预期的.当通过WebXR进入沉浸式模式时,浏览器会禁用触摸事件,Chrome 79+就是这种情况,并且内容通过 https 提供.在工作中有新的API可以在AR中呈现时实现交互性.您可以在此博客文章中找到其他详细信息: https://aframe.io/blog/webxr-ar-module/

The behavior you described is expected. Touch events are disabled by the browser when entering immersive mode via WebXR as it's the case for Chrome 79+ and content served over https. There are new APIs in the works to enable interactivity while presenting in AR. You can find additional details in this blog post: https://aframe.io/blog/webxr-ar-module/


On devices that don't have a native WebXR implementation VR mode relies on the full screen API and touchevents are available.


I don't recommend relying on screen input while in VR and use a fuse based cursor


05-27 09:24