本文介绍了Samsung Gear VR-是否可以用C ++开发?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以仅在C++中为Samsung Gear VR开发,并可以将其与Qt结合?根据 http://www.gearvrf.org/的介绍,我们有一个Gear VR本机库,但它是以任何方式(样本,文档..)?

Is it possible to develop for Samsung Gear VR in C++ only and possibly combine it with Qt? According to http://www.gearvrf.org/ there's a Gear VR native library, but is it supported in any way (samples, documentation..) ?



是否可以仅使用C ++开发Samsung Gear VR?

Is it possible to develop for Samsung Gear VR in C++ only?

是的,当然,但是我更喜欢Oculus原生移动SDK而不是您提到的框架.因为在当前阶段,实际上是Oculus推动了软件开发,您知道约翰·卡马克(John Carmack),对吗?他还带来了很多从ID软件到Oculus的工程朋友,在阅读随SDK分发的代码时,您会遇到很多.

Yes, definitely, but I would prefer Oculus native mobile SDK over your mentioned framework. Because at current stage, it is really Oculus who are pushing the software development forward, you know John Carmack, right? And he also brings a lot engineering friends from ID software to Oculus too, which you will come across a lot when reading the code distributed with the SDK.



如果您需要构建这样的菜单,按钮和UI元素,我认为现在没有任何好处. UI元素在VR世界中是非常不同的,而图形都是关于基于3D的世界.而且我认为,如果您遵循本机开发路径,那么您也只能依靠Oculus的一些初步UI支持.同样,您只能通过从Oculus读取移动SDK中的源代码来获得帮助.

I don't think there is any benefit now, if what you need is to build menus, buttons, UI elements like this. UI elements are very different in VR world, which the graphic is all about a 3D based world. And I think if you are following the native development path, you can only count on some preliminary UI support from Oculus too. Again, you can only get help by reading the source code in the mobile SDK from Oculus.

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09-26 21:16