I have two mc's on the stage, the first one is called missiles and the second one is called boxes.
So accordingly I put boxes in the boxes mc and missiles in the missiles mc. My problem is how to detect whether any of the missiles collide with boxes and make damage to the box.
I am using simple and effective algorithm which works but it is very slow when there are many missiles and boxes on stage. I am using two nested "for" cycles which is a bad practice, but I don't have other idea at the moment.
public function onEnterFrame(e:Event) {
for(var i:int=0;i<ground_mc.boxesLayer_mc.numChildren;i++){
for(var j:int=0;j<ground_mc.bmLayer_mc.numChildren;j++){
se=new SmallExplosion();
boxesLayer_mc - 盒movieclip中
boxesLayer_mc - boxes movieclip
bmLayer_mc - 导弹movieclip中
bmLayer_mc - missiles movieclip
Are there other techniques to solve this problem. I have already tried to add detection code in every missile but it is also slow with "for".
Maybe trees or hash mapped search I don't know? Or maybe graphs :)
For a similar task (2D), what I did was to create a simple quadtree-like construct where each node can either contain other child nodes or a list of display objects for collision detection. Note that the if the objects (boxes in your case) move around a lot this will not be efficient as you will need to move them into the right node everytime the move.
public class WorldPartitionNode {
private var minX : Number;
private var minY : Number;
private var maxX : Number;
private var maxY : Number;
private var width : Number;
private var height : Number;
private var _children : Vector.<WorldPartitionNode>;
private var _objects : Vector.<GameObject>;
public function WorldPartitionNode(x : Number, y : Number,
w : Number, h : Number, childLevels : int)
minX = x;
minY = y;
maxX = x + w;
maxY = y + h;
width = h;
height = h;
if (childLevels == 0) {
// This node should have no children, so instead it should
// contain display objects
_objects = new Vector.<GameObject>;
else {
_children = new Vector.<WorldPartitionNode>(4,true);
_children[0] = new WorldPartitionTreeNode(minX, minY, width/2, height/2, childLevels-1);
_children[1] = new WorldPartitionTreeNode(minX+width/2, minY, width/2, height/2, childLevels-1);
_children[2] = new WorldPartitionTreeNode(minX, minY+height/2, width/2, height/2, childLevels-1);
_children[3] = new WorldPartitionTreeNode(minX+width/2, minY+height/2, width/2, height/2, childLevels-1);
public function addObject(obj : GameObject) : void
if (_children) {
// This is not a leaf node, so add it to that of the child
// nodes in which it belongs.
var i : uint;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
var c : WorldPartitionNode = _children[i];
if (obj.x > c.minX && obj.y > c.minY && obj.x < c.maxX && obj.y < c.maxY) {
return; // Found node, so bail
else {
// This is a leaf node, so just add to the internal objects vector
public function checkCollisions(x : Number, y : Number) : GameObject
if (_children) {
// This node has children, so delegate to the right child
var i : uint;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
var c : WorldPartitionNode = _children[i];
if (x > c.minX && y > c.minY && x < c.maxX && y < c.maxY) {
return c.checkCollisions(x, y);
else {
// This is a leaf node (with objects directly in it) so loop through
// them all and check collision
var obj : GameObject;
for each (obj in _objects) {
if (obj.collidesWith(x, y))
return obj;
return null; //None if reached
这个类的实例将划分本身分为四个矩形部分(两行,两列)如果 childLevels> 0
,并创建同一个类的实例,为每个的节点。这些节点将依次划分自己的空间以同样的方式,直到有 childLevels
Instances of this class will divide itself into four rectangular sections (two rows, two columns) if childLevels > 0
, and create instances of the same class for each of those nodes. Those nodes will in turn divide their space up the same way until there are childLevels
levels in total.
可以由此创建一个三级四叉树(64分区叶节点),其中每个节点是原始空间的刚1/64的大小。当你用 ADDOBJECT()添加对象
You can thereby create a three-level quad-tree (with 64 partition leaf nodes) where each node is just 1/64 the size of the original space. As you add objects with addObject()
the object will be added to the partition node which corresponds to the square in which it is located.
当您执行 checkCollision()
,它会重复 childLevels
When you execute checkCollision()
, it will recurse childLevels
times until it finds the right partition, and then perform a regular collision detection loop only for the objects in that partition.
To create a three-level tree, which covers a space that is 1024x1024 pixels:
var treeRoot : WorldPartitionNode = new WorldPartitionNode(0, 0, 1024, 1024, 3);
And to check for collisions between your missiles and the objects in the tree:
var missile : GameObject;
for each (missile in _missiles) {
var obj : GameObject = treeRoot.checkCollisions(missile.x, missile.y);
if (obj != null)
obj.kill(); // Was hit by missile
This will likely speed up the collision detection significantly, but relies on the boxes being static (or rarely moving), because if they move they will no longer be in the correct partition node and if they're not the tree will fail to find collisions between them.
There are no doubt smarter partitioning systems out there, but this worked very well for me in a project where I needed to scatter pick-ups (coins et c) in a large space and where the player would fly around to collect them. Each frame I would then let the tree check for collisions between the static pick-ups and the player.