


I am working on leaflet for the very first time and facing the issue with drawing circles and editing (changing location of circle).

问题我面对的是: -

  1. 从一个位置到另一个位置编辑(移动)圆会改变其半径。 >

  1. Editing (moving) circle from one location to another changes its radius.
    Note: Pls try to create circle on top of map in given fiddle and then move it to the bottom by clicking edit button.



If I create circle on top section of map it works fine. But If I create circle on bottom of map it only prints a single DOT on map.I checked few examples and it works fine everywhere.
Here is the working example where circle creation and moving circle is completely fine.


I am not using the geographic map like google maps. I am using and static image as it is my project requirement.


Here is the fiddle of my code.


Just using following code to enable drawing circle :

enabled : this.options.circle,
handler : new L.Draw.Circle(map,this.options.circle),
title : L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.circle


你所看到的是失真mercator投影中固有的距离(以及基于它的Google Mercator投影,这是大多数在线地图所固有的)。因为地图从缩放1开始,所以向北/向拖动圆形标记会导致很多失真。

What you're seeing is distortion in distance inherent in the mercator projection (and the Google Mercator projection based off it that is inherent to most online maps). Because your map starts at zoom 1, dragging the circle marker north/south will cause a lot of distortion.


So, rather than georeference your image to a global bounding box, try georeferencing it to something much smaller. In your case, your are adding your image overlay relative to the maxZoom, so by increasing maxZoom, your image will be overlayed over a smaller area of the globe, and you will see less (or no) distortions across latitudes.

var w = 553,h = 329,url ='';

I changed the maxZoom from 4 to 14, and the result looked like it worked well: fiddle here: var w = 553, h = 329, url = 'https://kathleenmillar.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/picture2.png';

    var map = L.map('map', {
        minZoom : 10,
        maxZoom : 14,
        center : [ w / 2, h / 2 ],
        zoom : 11,
        crs : L.CRS.Simple


    // calculate the edges of the image, in coordinate space
    var southWest = map.unproject([ 0, h ], map.getMaxZoom() - 3);
    var northEast = map.unproject([ w, 0 ], map.getMaxZoom() - 3);
    var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);


09-05 13:33