

我正在使用Tomcat 6.0作为SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.1中的Web开发服务器。我创建一个运行时,下载tomcat,创建服务器等按照这些说明

I am trying to use Tomcat 6.0 as a web development server within SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.1. I create a runtime, download tomcat, create a server, etc as per these instructions http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-eclipse-tomcat/index.html#N10148


When I try to run a web app on the server though I get the following error:

The archive: /Servers/Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar which is referenced
by the classpath, does not exist.


I know this bootstrap.jar file does exist in the exact place it says it should be yet it still causes an error. Any ideas?


这里的诀窍是jar的位置在Eclipse / STS项目目录中。 STS将其服务器配置存储在/ Servers文件夹中,我决定在这里存储tomcat运行时,以便整洁。将运行时间放在其他地方,再次尝试解决这个问题。

The trick here was that the location of the jar was inside the Eclipse/STS project directory. STS stores its server configurations inside the /Servers folder and I had decided to store the tomcat runtimes here as well for neatness. Placing the runtimes elsewhere and trying again solves this issue.


08-24 16:04