本文介绍了Objective-C - 具有TestFlight配置以包括TestFlight SDK的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已按照TestFlight中的说明复制发布配置。另外,我使用TestFlight SDK从我的应用程序获取实时报告。通过这样做,我不得不在我的应用程序中包括一些TestFlight代码。当然,我不想在我的应用程序的发布版本中有这样的代码。

I've followed the instructions from TestFlight to duplicate the "release" configuration. Also I'm using TestFlight SDK to get live reports from my app. By doing this I had to include some TestFlight code in my application. Of course I don't want to have this code in my release version of my app.

有一些方法只包括这个代码在testflight配置(复制释放配置)?对于调试配置,您可以使用 #ifdef DEBUG 执行相同的操作(或者我必须为此创建一个单独的目标,并且只在该目标中包含TestFlight SDK)

Is there some way to only include this code in the testflight configuration (the duplicated release configuration)? The same way you can do with #ifdef DEBUG for the debug configuration (or do I have to create a separate target for this and only include the TestFlight SDK in that target?)


您可以使用 #ifdef 语句,因为我们建议您使用HockeyApp服务:

You can exclude code from running using #ifdef statements pretty easily, as we suggest it for our HockeyApp service here: http://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/client-integration/crash-reporting-on-ios-quincykit


  1. 为所有配置的Xcode项目添加预处理器宏: CONFIGURATION _ $(CONFIGURATION)


Then you will be able to use these lines of code to include code only for a specific configuration:

#if defined (CONFIGURATION_Beta)
    // YOUR CODE

  • 这会将 Beta 替换为只包含代码的配置名称

  • This replace Beta with the name of your configuration that should include the code only


    The link above provides images and more detailed text on how to do it. Since you will use that library only in your beta distribution configuration, you don't need to create another configuration besides the already created one for beta distribution.


    You need to have one configuration for debug, which is for development, one for beta distribution to set the adhoc entitlements and one for app store distribution. The last two are usually variations of the release configuration.

    这篇关于Objective-C - 具有TestFlight配置以包括TestFlight SDK的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

  • 08-04 09:25