I have an abstract class like this:
public abstract class Records
public string Type;
public string Source;
public int Value;
protected Records(string type, string source, int value)
Type = type;
Source = source;
Value = value;
我想创建许多继承此类的类,并使用来自静态类的值填充它们的 Type 字段,如下所示:
I would like to create many classes inheriting this class, and filling their Type field with a value coming from a static class like this:
public static class ContentTypesString
public static string DocumentNew { get { return "Document - New this Month"; }}
public static string HeadlinesNew { get { return "Headlines - New this Month"; }}
我希望能够创建这些子类而无需测试if foo ==document" then type = ContentTypesString.DocumentNew
"或等效的 switch case(我真的有一个很多案例)
I would like to be able to create those child classes without having a test "if foo == "document" then type = ContentTypesString.DocumentNew
" or an equivalent switch case (I really have a lot of cases)
Is there a design pattern that suits my needs?
EDIT : As several people pointed out, i should show how i create my instances.
private delegate SPListItemCollection Query(SPWeb web, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate);
private readonly Query _queries;
#region Constructors
public QueryHandler(SPWeb web, DateTime startTimeSelectedDate, DateTime endTimeSelectedDate)
if (web == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
_web = web;
_startTimeSelectedDate = startTimeSelectedDate;
_endTimeSelectedDate = endTimeSelectedDate;
RecordsList = new List<Records>();
// Query Invocation List
_queries = NumberPagePerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberDocumentsPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberHeadlinesPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberLeaderboxPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberNewsPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberPagesModifiedPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberPicturesPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
_queries += NumberTeasingPerMonthQuery.PreparedQuery;
#endregion Constructors
#region Public Methods
// what about NullReferenceException ? C#6 : item?.Foreach(item => {}); ?
/*** NO C#6 compiler in VS2012... ***/
public void Queries()
foreach (var del in _queries.GetInvocationList())
var queryresult =
(SPListItemCollection) del.DynamicInvoke(_web, _startTimeSelectedDate, _endTimeSelectedDate);
RecordsList.Add(new Records(del.Method.Name, _web.Title, queryresult.Count));
public List<IQuery> QueryList { get; } // no delegate anymore, and static classes became implementations of IQuery interface.
#region Constructors
public QueryHandler(SPWeb web, DateTime startTimeSelectedDate, DateTime endTimeSelectedDate)
if (web == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("web");
_web = web;
_startTimeSelectedDate = startTimeSelectedDate;
_endTimeSelectedDate = endTimeSelectedDate;
RecordsList = new List<Records>();
QueryList = new List<IQuery>
new NumberDocumentsPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberHeadlinesPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberLeaderboxPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberNewsPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberPagePerMonthQuery(),
new NumberPagesModifiedPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberPicturesPerMonthQuery(),
new NumberTeasingPerMonthQuery()
#endregion Constructors
#region Public Methods
// what about NullReferenceException ? C#6 : item?.Foreach(item => {}); ?
/*** NO C#6 compiler in VS2012... ***/
public void Queries()
foreach (var query in QueryList)
var queryresult = query.PreparedQuery(_web, _startTimeSelectedDate, _endTimeSelectedDate);
RecordsList.Add(query.CreateRecord(_web.Title, queryresult.Count));
Record 类遵循@dbraillon 建议的实现IQuery 接口的实现被添加了方法:
Record class follow the implementation suggested by @dbraillonImplementation of IQuery interface were added the method :
public Records CreateRecord(string source, int value)
return new ModifiedPagesPerMonthRecord(source, value); //or another child of Record class.
You want to make collection of records, by string code of object type, and parameters.
许多方法之一 - 使用构建器.
One of many way to do it - use builder.
Firstly we need to configurate builder:
var builder = new RecordBuilder()
.RegisterBuilder("document", (source, value) => new Document(source, value))
.RegisterBuilder("headlines", (source, value) => new Headlines(source, value));
here we specify how to build record with code "document" and "headlines".
builder.Build("document", "source", 1);
Builder code can by something like this(here we look if we know how to build record of the passed type and make it):
public class RecordBuilder
public Records Build(string code, string source, int value)
Func<string, int, Records> buildAction;
if (recordBuilders.TryGetValue(code, out buildAction))
return buildAction(source, value);
return null;
public RecordBuilder RegisterBuilder(string code, Func<string, int, Records> buildAction)
recordBuilders.Add(code, buildAction);
return this;
private Dictionary<string, Func<string, int, Records>> recordBuilders = new Dictionary<string, Func<string, int, Records>> ();
public class Document : Records
public Document(string source, int value) : base(ContentTypesString.DocumentNew, source, value)
public class Headlines : Records
public Headlines(string source, int value) : base(ContentTypesString.HeadlinesNew, source, value)
这篇关于没有 IF 条件的多态对象创建的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!