本文介绍了Dagger2:无法在 WorkManager 中注入依赖项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以从我读到的内容来看,Dagger 尚不支持在 Worker 中注入.但是正如人们所建议的那样,有一些解决方法.我已经尝试通过多种方式按照在线示例进行操作,但没有一种对我有用.

So from what I read, Dagger doesn't have support for inject in Worker yet. But there are some workarounds as people suggest. I have tried to do it a number of ways following examples online but none of them work for me.

当我不尝试向 Worker 类中注入任何东西时,代码运行良好,只是我不能做我想做的事,因为我需要访问一些 DAO 和服务.如果我在这些依赖项上使用 @Inject,依赖项要么为空,要么工作程序永远不会启动,即调试器甚至不进入 Worker 类.

When I don't try to inject anything into the Worker class, the code works fine, only that I can't do what I want because I need access to some DAOs and Services. If I use @Inject on those dependencies, the dependencies are either null or the worker never starts i.e the debugger doesn't even enter the Worker class.


@Component(modules = {Module.class})
public interface Component{

    void inject(MyWorker myWorker);

public class Module{

    public MyRepository getMyRepo(){
        return new myRepository();



MyRepository myRepo;

public MyWorker() {

但是执行永远不会到达工作人员.如果删除构造函数,则 myRepo 依赖项仍为 null.

But then the execution never reaches the worker. If I remove the constructor, the myRepo dependency remains null.


I tried doing many other things but none work. Is there even a way to do this? Thanks!!



您需要查看 WorkerFactory,可从 1.0 获得.0-alpha09 起.

以前的解决方法依赖于能够使用默认的 0-arg 构造函数创建 Worker,但从 1.0.0-alpha10 开始,这不再是一个选项.

Previous workarounds relied on being able to create a Worker using the default 0-arg constructor, but as of 1.0.0-alpha10 that is no longer an option.

假设您有一个名为 DataClearingWorkerWorker 子类,并且该类需要来自您的 Dagger 图的 Foo.

Let's say that you have a Worker subclass called DataClearingWorker, and that this class needs a Foo from your Dagger graph.

class DataClearingWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {

    lateinit var foo: Foo

    override fun doWork(): Result {
        return Result.SUCCESS

现在,您不能直接实例化那些 DataClearingWorker 实例之一.所以你需要定义一个 WorkerFactory 子类,它可以为你创建其中之一;不仅要创建一个,还要设置您的 Foo 字段.

Now, you can't just instantiate one of those DataClearingWorker instances directly. So you need to define a WorkerFactory subclass that can create one of them for you; and not just create one, but also set your Foo field too.

class DaggerWorkerFactory(private val foo: Foo) : WorkerFactory() {

    override fun createWorker(appContext: Context, workerClassName: String, workerParameters: WorkerParameters): ListenableWorker? {

        val workerKlass = Class.forName(workerClassName).asSubclass(Worker::class.java)
        val constructor = workerKlass.getDeclaredConstructor(Context::class.java, WorkerParameters::class.java)
        val instance = constructor.newInstance(appContext, workerParameters)

        when (instance) {
            is DataClearingWorker -> {
                instance.foo = foo
            // optionally, handle other workers

        return instance

最后,您需要创建一个可以访问 FooDaggerWorkerFactory.你可以用普通 Dagger方式来做到这一点.

Finally, you need to create a DaggerWorkerFactory which has access to the Foo. You can do this in the normal Dagger way.

fun workerFactory(foo: Foo): WorkerFactory {
    return DaggerWorkerFactory(foo)

禁用默认 WorkManager 初始化

您还需要禁用默认的 WorkManager 初始化(自动发生)并手动初始化.

Disabling Default WorkManager Initialization

You'll also need to disable the default WorkManager initialization (which happens automatically) and initialize it manually.

您如何执行此操作取决于您使用的 androidx.work 版本:

How you do this depends on the version of androidx.work that you're using:


        tools:node="remove" />

2.6.0 之前:


        tools:replace="android:authorities" />

请务必将 YOUR_APP_PACKAGE 替换为您的实际应用程序包.上面的 <provider 块位于 inside <application 标签......所以它是你的 Activity 的兄弟, Services 等...

Be sure to replace YOUR_APP_PACKAGE with your actual app's package. The <provider block above goes inside your <application tag.. so it's a sibling of your Activities, Services etc...

在您的 Application 子类中(或其他地方,如果您愿意),您可以手动初始化 WorkManager.

In your Application subclass, (or somewhere else if you prefer), you can manually initialize WorkManager.

lateinit var workerFactory: WorkerFactory

private fun configureWorkManager() {
    val config = Configuration.Builder()

    WorkManager.initialize(this, config)

这篇关于Dagger2:无法在 WorkManager 中注入依赖项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 21:05