

我需要使用命令"yo jhipster:entity myEntity"使用JHipster创建自己的实体,该命令与JHipster中默认提供的User实体具有多对一的关系.

I need to create my own entities using the JHipster using the command "yo jhipster:entity myEntity" that have many-to-one relationship with the User entity that comes by default in JHipster.


I have tried unsuccessfully to create in the wizard a relationship with the entity "user" and the field "login" but it is not working.


What is the good way to do this with JHipster? Or do I have to create the entity without JHipster tool (but I need the CRUD!).




只是更新-前几天发布了jhipster 2.5.0,添加了对此的支持.创建此答案是因为注释中的格式使我很难阅读.

Just an update - jhipster 2.5.0 was released a few days ago adding support for this. Created this answer since the formatting in comments make i pretty hard to read.


When creating a relation for your entity simply answer the questions like this

? Do you want to add a relationship to another entity? Yes
? What is the name of the other entity? user
? What is the name of the relationship? owner
? What is the type of the relationship? many-to-one
? When you display this relationship with AngularJS, which field from 'user' do you want to use? login


Possible values on how to display the relation could be: id, login, first_name, last_name, email

请参见 https://jhipster.github.io/2015/03/01/jhipster-release-2.5.0.html 了解更多信息


10-23 03:44