

是否可以在我的< f:selectItem itemLabel =label/>周围设置< a href /> 我的链接文字是 itemLabel


I'm using the plain sun components.


HTML中所需的结果 。你需要为此添加一个JavaScript镜头。

The desired result is not possible in HTML. You'll need to add a shot of JavaScript for this.

<h:selectOneMenu onchange="window.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
    <f:selectItems value="#{bean.links}" />

其中 bean.getLinks()返回一个列表< SelectItem> ,其中包含值为的完整网址。如果要将链接显示为两个值和标签,只需使用 SelectItem 构造函数,只需一个参数。

Where bean.getLinks() returns a List<SelectItem> with a fullworthy URL as item value. If you want to show the link as both value and label, just use the SelectItem constructor taking a single argument.

links = new List<SelectItem>();
links.add(new SelectItem("http://google.com"));
links.add(new SelectItem("http://stackoverflow.com"));
// ...

如果你想在视图中对它们进行硬编码,那么你当然可以抓住 f:selectItem

If you want to hardcode them in the view, then you can of course grab f:selectItem:

<h:selectOneMenu onchange="window.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
    <f:selectItem itemValue="http://google.com" />
    <f:selectItem itemValue="http://stackoverflow.com" />


10-30 09:34