本文介绍了[UWP] [XAML]在布局之前旋转网格&渲染的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我有一个应用程序,其中我想要将我的一个网格(和它的子项)旋转90. RenderTransform不适用于此,因为它在布局之后才会应用,而LayoutTransform仅在WPF中可用(不是UWP)。我一直无法找到任何好的解决方法或替代品,有人能告诉我如何在UWP中做到这一点吗?谢谢。 森索卡尔斯基njsokalski@hotmail.com http://www.nathansokalski.com/解决方案 你好Nathan, " RenderTransform对此不起作用,因为直到布局后它才会应用 对不起我不明白这一点。您能否使用一些代码告诉我们为什么RotateTransform不适合您?你的具体情况是什么? 祝你好运, Barry I have an app in which I want one of my Grids (and it's Children) to be rotated 90. RenderTransform does not work for this, because it is not applied until after layout, and LayoutTransform is only available in WPF (not UWP). I have been unable to find any good workarounds or alternatives, can anybody tell me how to do this in UWP? Thanks.Nathan Sokalski njsokalski@hotmail.com http://www.nathansokalski.com/ 解决方案 Hello Nathan,"RenderTransform does not work for this, because it is not applied until after layout"Sorry I don't understand this. Can you use some code to tell us why RotateTransform is not work for you? What's your specific scenario?Best regards,Barry 这篇关于[UWP] [XAML]在布局之前旋转网格&渲染的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!