i'd been surfing the web for several hours finding always the same sites and no real answer to my query. Here's the thing, i'd like to port some of the Octave functions to a iPad/iPhone app.
我已经尝试将C ++与Obj-C混合使用,但它的工作原理很像魅力,但我一直无法找到正确的OCTAVE源,至少不能编译它的核心,所以我确实下载了源来自sourceforge.net的代码,但我见过一些fortran和其他语言类,但没有c ++类.
i'd already tried to mix C++ with Obj-C and it works like a charm BUT i haven't been able to find the right source of OCTAVE to compile at least the very core of it, i did download the source code from sourceforge.net but i'd had seen some fortran and some other languages classes but not c++ classes.
这里的任何人是否找到或使用过一些具有OCTAVE函数的C ++类,因此我可以将其移植到iOS.
Does anyone over here had found or had worked with some C++ classes that holds the OCTAVE functions so i can port that to iOS.
这可能无法回答您的问题,但可能会有所帮助:如果使用的Octave函数相对简单,则可以尝试使用线性代数包,例如 Armadillo .该文档包含一个从Octave/MATLAB到C ++的转换表.
This may not answer your question, but might help: If the Octave functions you are using are relatively simple, you could try using a linear algebra package such as Armadillo. The docs contain a conversion sheet from Octave/MATLAB to C++.
这篇关于将OCTAVE C ++移植到iOS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!