如果我告诉NetBeans(6.9)在保存时编译,NetBeans警告我编译的类与使用JDK编译器编译的类不同。 Java平台在同一对话框中设置为JDK 1.6。 NetBeans使用哪个编译器?为什么NetBeans不使用JDK编译器?
,因此它可以提供增量编译和 与Eclipse(使用自己的Eclipse Java编译器)不同,Netbeans实际上使用 javac
If I tell NetBeans (6.9) to compile on save, NetBeans warns me the compiled classes are not identical to classes compiled with JDK's compiler. The Java platform is set to "JDK 1.6" in the same dialog. Which compiler is used by NetBeans? Why doesn't NetBeans use the JDK compiler?
Like Eclipse, Netbeans does not use standard javac
so that it can offer incremental compilation and compilation of classes containing methods that have syntax errors.
Unlike Eclipse (which uses its own Eclipse Java Compiler), Netbeans actually uses the internal API of javac for compiling, syntax highlighting, and error detection. This is a nice advantage, in that Netbeans is able to handle all of the latest Java language features and faithfully reproduces any nuances or bugs of javac's behavior.
- http://www.theserverside.com/tip/Digging-into-the-NetBeans-Java-Editor
- http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqCompileOnSave