本文介绍了WDS 4.0预览窗格问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


升级到WDS 4.0后,我无法预览. (我从3.01升级,因为我一直遇到缺少的target.lnk弹出错误框.)
我在C驱动器上有Windows XP SP2,在D驱动器上也有很多pdf(也在我的PC上).似乎可以给出正确的结果,表明成功建立了索引,位于C驱动器上的pdf在预览窗格中仅提供了文件名,大小,文件夹和日期.在类型"中,结果列中显示快捷方式"和office doc xlm等如果它们也位于C驱动器上,则执行相同的操作.正确的图标确实出现在搜索结果中文件名的前面.D驱动器上的Pdf仅显示无法显示预览".在预览窗格的中心. "Adob​​e acrobat文档" id正确显示在结果的类型列中. Office文档在d驱动器上时可以正确显示预览.
我正在使用Adobe Reader 8.1.2,而在3.01中获得pdf内容索引的唯一方法是使用foxit pdf ifilter.
HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \在我的注册表中的CurrentVersion \ PropertySystem \ PropertySchema中,只有" CachedSchema"值并将其值设置为0并重新建立索引没有帮助.
然后 已重新启动),然后安装了4.0,并在重新启动之前开始搜索(抱歉).我已按各种顺序重新索引,卸载并重新安装了WDS,foxit,adobe阅读器,但没有任何区别.

I am stuck with no preview after upgrade to WDS 4.0 . (I upgraded from 3.01 because I kept getting the missing target.lnk popup error box.)
I've got Windows XP SP2 on C drive and many pdf's on D drive (also in my PC).
Following searches which appear to give correct results suggesting indexing has been successful, pdf's located on C drive give just file name, size, folder and date in the preview pane. In the "type" column  of the results it says "Shortcut" and office doc xlm etc do the same if they are also on C drive. The correct icon does appear in front of the file name in the search results.
Pdf's on D drive just give "unable to display preview" in the centre of the preview pane. "Adobe acrobat Document" id is correctly shown in the type column of the results. Office documents display a preview correctly when they are on d drive.
I am using adobe reader 8.1.2 and the only way I could get pdf content indexing in 3.01 was using foxit pdf ifilter.
Under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertySchema in my registry, there was only the "CachedSchema" value and setting its value to 0 and reindexing didn't help.
When I first installed 4.0 I uninstalled 3.01 (I think I
then rebooted) then installed 4.0 and started searching before rebooting (sorry). I have reindexed, uninstalled and reinstalled WDS, foxit, adobe reader in various orders but have not made any difference.
If I revert to 3.01 the preview does work but I just can't get anywhere with 4.0
Clearly pdf preview works for other people and I find the search facility extremely useful (even without the preview pane) and so would be very grateful if you could help me by getting the preview working properly in 4.0.
Thanks for your help


感谢您的询问. 您的计算机是什么配置?另外,索引状态是什么?

Thank you for your inquiry.  What is your computer configuration? Also, what is the Indexing Status?


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07-29 12:29