我正在在记事本+ + C#控制台应用程序和MonoDevelop的,只有一个cs文件,而不是一个解决方案。我编译从CMD的代码。
I am making C# console applications in Notepad++ and MonoDevelop with only a .cs file instead of a solution. I compile the code from CMD.
I want to add two classes in my simple "Hacked" program that just simply displays a lot of 0's and 1's. EVERY time I try to make an object reference, I get an error in the compiler saying that I need to make a reference for non-static fields. Making methods static works, but I don't think that every method should be static.
So my question is, how do I make object references without an IDE?
I have found the solution by making the variable static. And I knew that when a method was static, it could be accessed from any class without a reference. I was just testing a class reference to learn a little more about C#. But I make the class reference variable static and anything that isn't static in the referenced class works fine. Thank you all for helping me out though as your suggestions and explanations did help me.
Nice to see someone starting so simple. Object references are the same no matter if you are working in VisualStudio, or in a simple text editor.
This is actually an error in your code and not the fact that you are not using an IDE.
I'm assuming you have not gone into object oriented programming too much, and that these are simple, single class programs to help you get started.
在这种情况下,所有其他方法,领域等,都是以某种方式从你的公共静态的主要(字串[] args)
In this case, all other methods, fields, etc, are accessed in some way from your public static Main(string[] args)
method. Static methods are accessible from all classes, and do not require an object instance. Methods and fields accessed without an instance must be static.
So, in this case, yes, every method does need to be static.
,和创建一个战俘(INT X,INT功率)
(功率)的方法(这是.NET Framework的一部分)。你会作出这项功能静态
For example, say you create a class called Math
, and create a Pow(int x, int power)
(power) method (This is part of the .NET framework). You would make this function static
because you want ALL classes to be able to access it without creating an instance of the Math
int square = Math.Pow(2, 2); //Static method, no instance needed
,这个类有方法,如 GetPagesLeft()
Now say, you make a class called Book
, this class has methods such as GetPagesLeft()
. In this case, it is specific to each instance of a "book", and should not be static
, because it applies to each instance.
Book book = new Book(); //Create instance
int pagesLeft = book.GetPagesLeft(); //Instance method
Don't be afraid of using static methods, they are there for a reason.
Note, I'm not a professional developer, so some of the terminology I used may not be exactly correct, but I hope it gets the point across.
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