


I just started to learn ZeroMQ and want to build a distributed webcrawler as an example while learing.


My idea is to have a "server", written in PHP, which accepts a url where the crawling should start.


Workers (C# cli) will have to crawl that url, extract links, and push them back into a stack on the server. The server keeps sending urls in the stack to workers.Perhaps a redis will keep track of all crawled urls, so we dont crawl sites multiple times and have the ability to extract statistics of the current process.


I would like to have the server to distribute tasks evenly, be aware of new/missing workers and redistribute urls when a worker doesnt respond.


Why PHP for the server: i'm just very comfortable with PHP, that is all. I dont want to make the example/testing project more complicated.


Why C# for the minions: because it runs on most windows machines. I can give the executable to various friends which can just execute it and help me test my project.


The crawling process and redis functionality are not part of my question.


My first approach was the PUSH/PULL pattern, which generally works for my scenario, but isnt aware of it's minions. I think i need a DEALER/ROUTER broker in the middle and have to handle the worker-awareness for myself.


I found this question but i'm not really sure if i understand the answer...


I'm asking for some hints how to impement the zmq stuff. Is the dealer approach correct? Is there any way to get an automatic worker-awareness? I think I need some resources/examples, or do you think that i just need to dig deeper in the zmq guide?


However, some hints towards the right direction would be great :)




I'm building a job/task distributor that works the same as your crawler, in principal, at least. Here's a few things I've learned:


Communication between server and crawlers will be based on different things happening in your system, such as dispatching work from server to crawler, or a crawler sending a heartbeat message to the server. Define the system's event types; they are the use cases:




Define a Message Standard

All communication between server and crawlers should be done using ZMsg's, so define a standard that organizes your frames, something like this:

Frame1: "Crawler v1.0"             //this is a static header
Frame2: <event type>               //ex: "CRAWLER_NODE_STATUS_EVENT"
Frame3: <content xml/json/binary>  //content that applies to this event (if any)

现在,您可以创建消息验证器来验证ZMsgs //内容同行之间收到的,因为你有一个标准约定,所有邮件都必须遵循。

Now you can create message validators to validate ZMsgs received between peers since you have a standard convention all messages must follow.

使用一个 ROUTER 服务器用于与爬虫 - 异步和双向沟通上。此外,使用 PUB 插座,用于广播心跳消息。

Use a single ROUTER on the server for asynchrounous and bidirectional communication with the crawlers. Also, use a PUB socket for broadcasting heartbeat messages.

不要在路由器插槽上挡,可使用 POLLER 来循环每5秒或什么的,这使得服务器定期做其他的事情,比如广播心跳事件的爬虫;是这样的:

Don't block on the ROUTER socket, use a POLLER to loop every 5s or whatever, this allows the server to do other things periodically, like broadcast heartbeat events to the crawlers; something like this:

Socket rtr = .. //ZMQ.ROUTER
Socket pub = .. //ZMQ.PUB
ZMQ.Poller poller = new ZMQ.Poller(2)
poller.register( rtr, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)
poller.register( pub, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)

  while (true) {
     ZMsg msg = null

     if( poller.pollin(0)){
        //messages from crawlers
        msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(rtr)

     //send heartbeat messages
     ZMsg hearbeatMsg = ...
     //create message content here,
     //publish to all crawlers


To address your question about worker awareness, a simple and effective method uses a FIFO stack along with the heartbeat messages; something like this:

  • 服务器在内存中维护一个简单的FIFO堆栈

  • 服务器发送心跳;爬虫它们的节点名称作出回应;路由器会自动将邮件中的节点的地址,以及
  • $(在消息读了) b $ b
  • 推1对象到包含节点名称和节点地址栈

  • 当服务器需要派遣工作提高到一个履带,刚刚从栈中弹出的下一个对象,创建消息和地址是正确(使用节点地址),和关闭它进入该工人

  • 分派更多的工作,以其他检索器相同的方式;当履带响应返回给服务器,只需按与节点名称/地址返回堆栈上的另一个对象;直到他们的反应,其他工人将无法使用,所以我们不打扰他们。

  • server maintains a simple FIFO stack in memory
  • server sends out heartbeats; crawlers respond with their node name; the ROUTER automatically puts the address of the node in the message as well (read up on message enveloping)
  • push 1 object onto the stack containing the node name and node address
  • when the server wants to dispatch work to a crawler, just pop the next object from the stack, create the message and address is properly (using the node address), and off it goes to that worker
  • dispatch more work to other crawlers the same way; when a crawler responds back to the server, just push another object with node name/address back on the stack; the other workers won't be available until they respond, so we don't bother them.


This is a simple but effective method of distributing work based on worker availability instead of blindly sending out work. Check lbbroker.php example, the concept is the same.

工人应使用一个单一的经销商 SUB沿插座。在经销商是异步通信主插口,副预订来自服务器的心跳消息。当工人收到心跳消息,它响应给经销商插槽上的服务器。

The worker should use a single DEALER socket along with a SUB. The DEALER is the main socket for async communication, and the SUB subscribes to heartbeat messages from the server. When the worker receives a heartbeat messages, it responds to the server on the DEALER socket.

Socket dlr = .. //ZMQ.DEALER
Socket sub = .. //ZMQ.SUB
ZMQ.Poller poller = new ZMQ.Poller(2)
poller.register( dlr, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)
poller.register( sub, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)

  while (true) {
     ZMsg msg = null

     if( poller.pollin(0)){
        //message from server
        msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(dlr)

     if( poller.pollin(1)){
      //heartbeat message from server
       msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(sub)
       //reply back with status
       ZMsg statusMsg = ...


The rest you can figure out on your own. Work through the PHP examples, build stuff, break it, build more, it's the only way you'll learn!


Have fun, hope it helps!


07-31 07:10