因此,我已经使用拆包参数(* x)实现了此功能,但是我想使其显示结果不返回它,并且我希望它很好 optimization (优化),意味着我仍然需要它成为两行函数
So i have achieved this function with unpacking parameter(*x), but i want to make it display the result not return it , and i want a good optimization meaning i still need it to be a two lines function
1.def fac(*x):
2.return (fac(list(x)[0], list(x)[1] - 1)*list(x)[1]) if list(x)[1] > 0 else 1//here i need the one line to print the factorial
我尝试通过实现lambda来实现这一目标,但是我不知道如何传递* x参数
i tried achieving this by implementing lambda but i didn't know how to pass the *x parameter
Your factorial lambda is correct. I take it that you would like to calculate the factorials for a list say [1, 2, 3] and output the results, this is how you can achieve this.
fact = lambda x: x*fact(x-1) if x > 0 else 1
print(*[fact(i) for i in [1, 2, 3]])
另一种选择,如果您使用的是python 3.8 ,则可以通过新的walrus运算符(:=)使用列表解析,这会比较棘手,但是会计算并输出所有n阶乘包含在内,同时仍适合您所需的两行.
Another option, if you have python 3.8 is to use a list comprehension with the new walrus operator (:=), this is a bit more tricky but will calculate and output all factorials up to n inclusive whilst still fitting in your required two lines.
fac, n = 1, 5
print(*[fac for i in range(1, n+1) if (fac := fac*i)])
Which will output: 1, 2, 6, 24, 120