

我正在使用SpineJS(它会导出commonjs模块),并且需要在全球范围内使用,因为我在任何地方都可以使用它,但是似乎我必须对每个使用Spine的文件执行Spine = require('spine')才能正常工作.

I'm using SpineJS (which exports a commonjs module) and it needs to be available globally because I use it everywhere, but It seems like I have to do Spine = require('spine') on every file that uses Spine for things to work.


Is there any way to define Spine once to make it globally available?


PS: I'm using Spine as an example, but I'm in general wondering about how to do this with any other library.


在每个文件中写入Spine = require('spine')是正确的方法.

Writing Spine = require('spine') in each file is the right way to do.


Yet, there are several possibilities by using the global or window object (browserify sets the global object to window, which is the global namespace):

  • 在spine.js中:global.Spine = module.exports
  • 在browserify捆绑的任何其他.js文件中:global.Spine = require('spine')
  • 在spine.js文件之后的.html文件引用的脚本标签或.js文件中:window.Spine = require('spine')
  • in spine.js: global.Spine = module.exports
  • in any other .js file bundled by browserify: global.Spine = require('spine')
  • in a script tag or an .js file referenced by the .html file, after the spine.js file: window.Spine = require('spine')


05-22 01:52