本文介绍了JasperViewer - 如何设置文件名并设置扩展名(格式)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Swing 框架和 JasperReports 开发 Java 基于桌面的应用程序进行报告。我有一些问题,当 JasperViewer 出现时我想保存报告。

I am developing Java desktop based application using Swing framework and JasperReports for reporting. I have some problems, when JasperViewer comes up and I want to save the report.

如何在保存对话框中设置文件名(默认为空白)以及如何仅限制 Pdf 格式?

How can I set the name of the file (default is blank) in the save dialog and how to limit only Pdf format?


JRBeanCollectionDataSource beanCollection=new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(matakuliahs);

Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("namaMahasiswa", mahasiswa.getNama());

InputStream input=getClass().getResourceAsStream("/reportsederhana/reportsederhana.jrxml");
JasperDesign design=JRXmlLoader.load(input);
JasperReport report=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(design);
JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, map, beanCollection);
jasperPrint.setName("Laporan "+mahasiswa.getNama()); // it doesn't give the name


用于设置要保存的默认扩展名,一个想法是你需要以某种方式从 JasperViewer (实例)获取 JRViewer 实例然后,在void JRViewer 实例,您可以设置一些保存贡献。看看。

For setting the default extension(s) to save to, one idea is that you need to somehow get the JRViewer instance from a JasperViewer (instance) and then, on the void JRViewer instance, you can set some save contributions. Have a look at JRViewer.setSaveContributors(JRSaveContributor[] saveContribs).


For setting the file name, i am not entirely sure, but have a look at JRViewer.JRViewer(String, boolean).


Also check the JRViewer and the JasperViewer source code, it may come in handy.

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05-22 01:04