我一直在为Windows配置oracle oci8时遇到问题
I have been facing problems configuring oracle oci8 for windows
我正在使用Windows 7 64位,xampp v3.2.2,php 5.6.15和oracle g11 Express
I'm using windows 7 64 bit, xampp v3.2.2, php 5.6.15 and oracle g11 express
I have tried the following steps but I can't find the oci package when running phpinfo:
我下载了Instant Client Package-Basic和Instant Client Package-ODBC版本12.
I downloaded both Instant Client Package - Basic and Instant Client Package - ODBC Version
unzip the files into one file in c to be at the following path (C:\instantclient_11_2
add the path to environment variable (path) for oracle product (C:\instantclient_11_2;C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin;
6-删除; php.ini中extension = php_oci8_11g.dll的前面
6- removed ; infront of the extension=php_oci8_11g.dll in php.ini
but It didn't work , can anyone tell me why?
Oracle 11g + WAMP + Windows.本教程向您展示如何将PHP与Oracle Database 11g一起使用.首先,让我们假设我正在使用Windows 7 64bit以及Oracle数据库11G和WAMP服务器,因此我已经下载了Oracle Instant Client x64.如果您使用的是32位Windows,则请下载32位客户端,否则它将无法正常工作.步骤:-
Oracle 11g + WAMP + Windows. This tutorial shows you how to use PHP with Oracle Database 11g. First of all let's assume that I am using Windows 7 64bit along with Oracle database 11G and WAMP server, so I have already downloaded Oracle instant client x64. If you are using 32bit Windows then download 32bit client otherwise it wont work. Steps :-
安装Oracle数据库11g XE
Install Oracle database 11g XE
下载适当的Oracle Instant Client
Download appropriate Oracle instant client
提取Oracle Instant Client的所有内容并复制所有.DLL文件并粘贴到该目录中,如下所示:D:\ wamp \ bin \ apache \ Apache2.2.17 \ bin
Extract all the content of Oracle instant client and copy all the .DLL files and paste into the directory like this D:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.17\bin
打开WAMP服务器,然后左键单击图标> PHP> PHP扩展>仅检查php_oci8_11g.如果您使用的Oracle数据库的版本早于10g的11g,则必须仅检查php_oci8.
Turn on the WAMP server and left click on the icon > PHP > PHP extension > check the php_oci8_11g only. If you are using Oracle database older then 11g like 10g then you must check on php_oci8 only.
打开Oracle数据库11g XE服务.此外,OracleServiceORCL也应存在于服务中.
Turn on the Oracle database 11g XE services. Also the OracleServiceORCL should be there in services.
编写一个PHP代码以将Oracle与数据库11g XE连接起来,并将代码保存在WAMP服务器的www目录中.下面是代码:
Write a PHP code to connect Oracle with database 11g XE, and save the code in www directory of WAMP server. Below is the code:
这篇关于为Windows 64位配置Oracle OCI8的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!