很长时间以来我一直在netbeans IDE中工作,最近开始在NodeJs中进行编码,但是ejs文件没有突出显示代码.如何摆脱这个问题.
I have been working in netbeans IDE since long time and recently started coding in NodeJs but there is no highlight code for ejs file. How to rid from this problem.
You need to configure ejs file extension with some associative file type. Steps:-
- 转到工具->选项
- 单击其他"选项卡,然后单击文件"选项卡
- 点击新建"按钮
- 输入不带点的扩展名(例如 ejs ).
- 从关联文件类型(MIME)"下拉框中选择适当的文件类型.例如 HTML文件(tex/html)
- 单击确定",您就完成了
- Go to Tools -> Options
- Click on Miscellaneous Tab then Files tab
- click the "New" button
- Type your desire extension without the dot(e.g, ejs).
- Select the appropriate file type from the "Associated file type (MIME)" drop down box. e.g, HTML Files(tex/html)
- Click "OK" and you are done