


I'm getting letters from iTunes connect with the following error:Missing Code Signing Entitlements - No entitlements found in bundle for executableHowever, there were some successful trials, when the app was submitted and set to inactive status without any errors . But when I tried to submit it again with the same code signing settings I got this error. Has anyone got the same problem and is there any way out of it?Thanks in advance


转到项目目标,然后构建设置,为代码签名集设置配置文件&代码签名身份运行该应用程序.请参阅此链接 https://developer.apple. com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppStoreDistributionTutorial/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile.html

Go to projects Target then Build Setting ,serach for code signing set Provisioning profile & code signing identtity & run the app.refer this link https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppStoreDistributionTutorial/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile.html


05-22 00:52