

我正在使用C#中的ocx for Remote Desktop将RDP窗口嵌入到我的应用程序中.问题在于RDP窗口将不时地挂起",这意味着没有任何交互作用(鼠标,键盘)影响RDP控件(窗口).唯一的办法 使其解脱"是生成(或转到)另一个RDP控件,单击它,然后返回到先前挂起的RDP控件,然后单击它-然后我恢复控件并可以与它进行交互.

I'm using the ocx for Remote Desktop in C# to embed RDP windows in my application. The problem is that from time to time, the RDP window will "hang", meaning no interaction whatsoever (mouse, keyboard) is affecting the RDP control (window). The only way to get it to "unhang" is to spawn (or go to) another RDP control, click in it, then go back to the previously hanged one and click in it - then I resume control and can interact with it. 


It seems to happen when I first use the mouse in the RDP control and then directly after clicks somewhere on the form outside of the RDP control. 


Here's my code to instantiate the RDP control: 

AxMsRdpClient7 client = new AxMsRdpClient7();

            client.Enabled = true;
            client.Visible = true;
            client.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            client.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            client.Name = "MsRdpClient - " + server;            

            targetControl.Controls.Add(client); //add to specified location

            client.Name = targetControl.Text; //for identification
            client.OnDisconnected += new AxMSTSCLib.IMsTscAxEvents_OnDisconnectedEventHandler(client_OnDisconnected);
            client.AdvancedSettings7.SmartSizing = true;
            if (injectCredentials)
                client.UserName = rdpDomain + "\\" + rdpUsername;
                IMsTscNonScriptable secured = (IMsTscNonScriptable)client.GetOcx();
                secured.ClearTextPassword = rdpPassword;
            client.Server = server;



I appreciate any help - this really stops us from launching this application!


client.AdvancedSettings.overallConnectionTimeout = 60; // default = 600
client.AdvancedSettings.singleConnectionTimeout  = 60; // default = 600

client.AdvancedSettings2.MaxReconnectAttempts = 1; / range = 0 - 200


10-20 12:59