本文介绍了如何有条件地在OS X Finder中对文件和文件夹着色?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我想根据finder中的某些条件为徽章文件和文件夹着色,在Mac OS X 10.6中实现此目的的方法是什么?I want to color badge files and folders based on the some condition in finder, what is the approach to achieve this in Mac OS X 10.6问题:这只谈谈finder中的上下文菜单 Snow Leopard中的Finder插件 I have checked this question: This only talk about the context menu in finderFinder Plugin in Snow Leopard我还查过: http:// scplugin I have even checked: http://scplugin.tigris.org/ even they don't do color badging in 10.6 which is pending task.预先感谢您的全力协助推荐答案不幸的是,没有公共API。你需要在Finder中注入代码并对其进行修补。 Unfortunately there is no public API for that. You need to inject the code inside Finder and patch it. 在10.6之前,只需使用 InputManager 即可轻松地将代码注入Cocoa应用程序。这不再是真的,但你可以使用 OSAX ,请参阅此博文。 SIMBL Before 10.6, it was quite easy to inject codes into Cocoa app by just using InputManagers. This is no longer true but you can do that using OSAX, see this blog post. SIMBL does that automatically.但是你必须弄清楚 Finder 里面发生了什么,看看如何补丁。 要探索 Finder 的内部, F-Script anywhere 将会帮助你。 But you have to figure out what's going on inside Finder to see how to patch things. To explore the inside of Finder, F-Script anywhere will help you. 有乐趣和祝你好运! 这篇关于如何有条件地在OS X Finder中对文件和文件夹着色?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-27 20:10