本文介绍了如何开始使用 RDF?(特别是对于关系数据库开发人员?)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在整理一个目录(目录本质上只是元数据),因此我没有使用数据库,而是使用 RDF 存储和 SPARQL 处理器来编译数据.我正处于模式匹配阶段(有趣的部分).因此,我想出了许多在 SPARQL 中易于定义的模式,然后将这些信息提供给使用目录的人.

I am putting together a catalog (catalogs by nature are just metadata), and so rather than using a database, I am using an RDF store and SPARQL processor to compile the data. I am at the pattern-matching stage (the fun part). So, I get to come up with lots of patterns that are simple to define in SPARQL, and then provide that information to the people who use the catalog.


我使用 RDF 完成了一些项目,似乎入门是最难的部分(至少对我而言),尤其是如果我必须从头开始.所以,我开始为自己组装一个非常基本的入门套件,但我想看看是否还有其他更好的东西......比如许多脚本语言提供的交互式命令行,或者像 phpMyAdmin(但对于三元组).

I have worked on a few projects using RDF, and it seems like getting started is the hardest part (at least for me), particularily if I have to start from scratch. So, I have started to put together a very basic starter kit for myself, but I wanted to see if there is anything else out there that might be better... something like the interactive command lines that many scripting languages offer, or like phpMyAdmin (but for triples).


  • 某些 Web 前端,附加到 OpenLink 等端点(例如 http://dbpedia.org/sparql),但我见过的那些仍然需要大量的手工工作(因为它们是为普通观众准备的).

  • Some Web front ends, attached to endpoints such as OpenLink (an example is http://dbpedia.org/sparql), but the ones I have seen still require a lot of manual work (because they are intended for a general audience).

有像 Tabulator 这样的工具 (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/),但他们的重点更多是组合和可视化数据集,而不是创建新的数据集.

There are tools like the Tabulator (http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/tab/), but their focus is more on combining and visualizing datasets rather than creating new datasets.

在描述 RDF 中的现有数据方面也做了大量工作.

A lot of work also goes into describing existing data in RDF.


Some tools that are paid online services (I would prefer to install my own)

有谁知道有一个系统可以帮助开始创建初始 RDF 存储和设置用户首选项等,以开始使用 RDF 的新项目.

Does anyone know of a system to help get started creating an initial RDF store, and setting user preferences, etc., to get started with new projects that use RDF.


我强烈建议下载并安装 Top辫子作曲家

I would strongly recommend downloading and installing Top Braid Composer

它有很多东西可以让语义 Web 开发变得更容易,而且还有一个免费版本.

It has loads of stuff to make Semantic Web development easier and there is a free edition.

这篇关于如何开始使用 RDF?(特别是对于关系数据库开发人员?)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 22:23