问题与 Facebook建议忽略og:title,直到页面刷新为止几乎相同,但这似乎从未真正解决(不幸的是,该解决方案没有帮助我们).
The issue is nearly identical to Facebook Recommend Ignoring og:title Until Page Refreshed, but that never seemed to really be resolved (and the solution unfortunately did not help us).
我们有成千上万个带有以编程方式生成的赞"按钮的页面.第一次单击喜欢"按钮时,弹出窗口中未包含适当的og标签信息,并且弹出窗口看起来像(带有已编辑的URL) http://imgur.com/nWffNY1,UCI76QV#1 .
We have thousands of pages with a programmatically-generated like button. The very first time I click on the like button, the appropriate og-tag information is not included in the popup, and the popup looks like (with URL redacted) http://imgur.com/nWffNY1,UCI76QV#1.
If I continually unlike and relike the page without refreshing, it is similarly broken. If I refresh the page, though, or even just call FB.XFBML.parse() from the javascript console, and re-like the page, the information is appropriately included, and looks like the other image in the above album (I don't have enough reputation to post 3 links :-( ).
任何以后喜欢一个已经被喜欢的页面(甚至被我自己以外的人喜欢)的页面的尝试都会成功.如果我在 https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug ,一切看起来都很好,然后尝试使该页面成功显示该信息.似乎一旦Facebook缓存了信息,一切就很好了.
Any subsequent attempt to like a page that has already been liked (even by someone other than myself) succeeds. If I enter the URL for an unliked page into https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug, everything looks fine, and an attempt to then like the page successfully shows the information. It seems like once Facebook caches the information, things are good.
Yes, of course – this is how it works.
当Facebook遇到新" URL时,它将在其上设置其抓取工具以从中获取信息.但是,在最终用户触发此操作的情况下(例如按钮,提要对话框等),Facebook可能需要太长时间"才能获取信息-因此他们没有UI等待它,因为他们想要快速的用户体验.
When Facebook encounters a "new" URL, it sets its scraper on it to get the information from it. But in cases where this is triggered by the end user (like button, feed dialog, etc.), it may take "too long" for Facebook to get the info – and so they don’t have the UI wait for it, because they want a fast user experience.
What you can do about this (apart from making your server respond faster, should(!) it be the bottleneck in this [1]), is to programmatically ask Facebook via API to scrape your pages – ideally at the point where you add new content to your site, but you can also do it for pages that exist for a while already, but might not have been scraped yet.
操作方法如下:更新对象. (如果您打算大量执行此操作,从我所听说的情况来看,建议在这些调用中包含一个应用访问令牌,以免造成限制.)
How that’s done, is described here: Updating Objects. (If you plan to do this in larger quantities, from what I’ve heard it should be advisable to include an app access token with those calls, to avoid throttling.)
[1] If your server is the bottleneck because you are delivering large pages, you could also consider delivering the meta data for your pages under different URLs, so that the scraper has much less content to read from your server and maybe your server has less content to create in the first place – for that, see the same linked document, section "Handling Large Objects With Pointers"