

我昨天在 dba.stackexchange.com 上问了这个问题,但没有得到任何答复,所以我在这里尝试.

I asked this question yesterday on dba.stackexchange.com and didn't get any responses, so I'm trying here.

对于我的数据库中的某些查询,我收到MySQL 1032无法在'person'中找到记录"错误,并且我无法解决它们.

I'm getting MySQL 1032 "Can't find record in 'person'" errors for some queries in my database, and I cannot resolve them.


CREATE TABLE `person` (
  `last_name` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `first_name` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `title` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `dob` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `person_full_idx` (`last_name`,`first_name`,`title`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4448 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;


SELECT * FROM person p0_
WHERE MATCH (p0_.last_name , p0_.first_name , p0_.title) AGAINST ('anne' IN BOOLEAN MODE) > 0.5
ORDER BY p0_.last_name ASC, p0_.first_name ASC, p0_.dob ASC;

如果我取出order by子句中的任何一个,查询运行就很好.而且,如果我将anne更改为anna,则查询在所有三个order by子句中都可以正常运行.桌子上有一些安妮斯,和安娜斯一样多.

If I take out any one of the order by clauses the query runs just fine. And If I change anne to anna the query runs just fine with all three order by clauses. There are some Annes in the table, about as many as there are Annas.


The MySQL error log has a bunch of these error messages each time the query fails:

2019-03-27T17:31:27.891405Z 9 [Warning] [MY-012853] [InnoDB] Using a
partial-field key prefix in search, index `FTS_DOC_ID_INDEX` of table
`database`.`person`. Last data field length 8 bytes, key ptr now
exceeds key end by 4 bytes. Key value in the MySQL format:
len 4; hex 05110000; asc     ;


I'm not using replication, and inserts, updates, and deletes are all successful for anne records. I dropped and recreated the fulltext index with no improvement. I dropped and reloaded the database and get the same error.

查询在生产中不会失败(mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.37-MariaDB)具有相同的数据.据我所知,它只是在我的开发机器上失败(对于x86_64(Homebrew)上的osx10.14的MySQL Ver 8.0.15).

The query isn't failing in production (mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.37-MariaDB) with the same data. As far as I can tell, it's only failing on my dev machine (mysql Ver 8.0.15 for osx10.14 on x86_64 (Homebrew)).


What should I try next?


如上面的注释所述,这是MySQL 8.0中的一个已知错误: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=93241

As noted in the comment above, this is a known bug in MySQL 8.0: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=93241

一个临时的解决方法是增加sort_buffer_size的大小.在MySQL 8.0中,默认的 sort_buffer大小为256KB,您可以配置的最大值为2 ^ 32-1或2 ^ 64-1.

A temporary workaround is to increase the size of sort_buffer_size. The default sort_buffer size in MySQL 8.0 is 256KB, and the maximum value you can configure is either 2^32-1 or 2^64-1.


The error might reoccur if you run a query that matches a larger number of rows, enough that it too large for your increased sort_buffer_size.


I'd caution against increasing sort_buffer_size very large, because each thread that runs this query allocates its own sort buffer.


Suppose you increase sort_buffer_size to 1GB, and then 100 concurrent clients run the fulltext search at the same time! You could accidentally make MySQL exceed your total system memory, and you'll have no warning when it happens.


08-24 18:41