

我正在使用 showDatePicker()方法在flutter应用程序中显示日期选择器。如何自定义日期选择器的颜色?

I’m using the showDatePicker() method to display a date picker in my flutter application. How do I customize the colors of the date picker?


class CustomTheme extends Theme {
   * Colors:
   *    Primary Blue: #335C81 (51, 92, 129)
   *    Light Blue:   #74B3CE (116, 179, 206)
   *    Yellow:       #FCA311 (252, 163, 17)
   *    Red:          #E15554 (255, 85, 84)
   *    Green:        #3BB273 (59, 178, 115)

  static int _fullAlpha = 255;
  static Color blueDark =  new Color.fromARGB(_fullAlpha, 51, 92, 129);
  static Color blueLight = new Color.fromARGB(_fullAlpha, 116, 179, 206);
  static Color yellow =    new Color.fromARGB(_fullAlpha, 252, 163, 17);
  static Color red =       new Color.fromARGB(_fullAlpha, 255, 85, 84);
  static Color green =     new Color.fromARGB(_fullAlpha, 59, 178, 115);

  static Color activeIconColor = yellow;

  CustomTheme(Widget child): super(
    child: child,
    data: new ThemeData(
      primaryColor: blueDark,
      accentColor: yellow,
      cardColor: blueLight,
      backgroundColor: blueDark,
      highlightColor: red,
      splashColor: green


Here is my code for wrapping the page in the theme:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new CustomTheme(
      new Scaffold(


我假设您要自定义主题的日期选择器 。通常,日期选择器遵循您的主要主题。

I assume that you want to customize the date picker differently from your main theme. Normally, date picker follow your main theme.

如果是这样,请在 Builder 中包装触发操作的按钮。在主题中。例如,这是一个FAB,它会弹出一个橙色的日期选择器(在轻型应用程序主题中),并继承主题的其余部分。

If so, wrap the button that triggers the action in a Builder inside a Theme. For example, here's a FAB that pops up an orange date picker (in a light material app theme), inheriting the rest from the main theme.

  floatingActionButton: new Theme(
    data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
          primaryColor: Colors.amber,
    child: new Builder(
      builder: (context) => new FloatingActionButton(
            child: new Icon(Icons.date_range),
            onPressed: () => showDatePicker(
                  context: context,
                  initialDate: new DateTime.now(),
                      new DateTime.now().subtract(new Duration(days: 30)),
                  lastDate: new DateTime.now().add(new Duration(days: 30)),


Check the source code of date_picker.dart to see which parts of the Theme affect different aspects of the date picker.


If you just want the picker to follow the main theme, here's a working example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class PickerThemeDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(title: const Text('Picker theme demo')),
      body: new Container(),
      floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
        child: new Icon(Icons.date_range),
        onPressed: () => showDatePicker(
              context: context,
              initialDate: new DateTime.now(),
              firstDate: new DateTime.now().subtract(new Duration(days: 30)),
              lastDate: new DateTime.now().add(new Duration(days: 30)),

Color hexToColor(int rgb) => new Color(0xFF000000 + rgb);

class CustomTheme extends Theme {
  //Primary Blue: #335C81 (51, 92, 129)
  //Light Blue:   #74B3CE (116, 179, 206)
  //Yellow:       #FCA311 (252, 163, 17)
  //Red:          #E15554 (255, 85, 84)
  //Green:        #3BB273 (59, 178, 115)

  static Color blueDark = hexToColor(0x335C81);
  static Color blueLight = hexToColor(0x74B3CE);
  static Color yellow = hexToColor(0xFCA311);
  static Color red = hexToColor(0xE15554);
  static Color green = hexToColor(0x3BB273);

  CustomTheme(Widget child)
      : super(
          child: child,
          data: new ThemeData(
            primaryColor: blueDark,
            accentColor: yellow,
            cardColor: blueLight,
            backgroundColor: blueDark,
            highlightColor: red,
            splashColor: green,

void main() {
    new MaterialApp(
      home: new CustomTheme(new PickerThemeDemo()),


If you want to apply the theme to the whole app, it can be added most concisely (without the need for the CustomTheme class) to the Material app:

Color hexToColor(int rgb) => new Color(0xFF000000 + rgb);

void main() {
    new MaterialApp(
      theme: new ThemeData(
        brightness: Brightness.light,
        primaryColor: hexToColor(0x335C81),
        accentColor: hexToColor(0xFCA311),
        splashColor: hexToColor(0x3BB273),
      home: new PickerThemeDemo(),


08-14 17:24